A sweet occasion (2)

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Ricky POV:

"Guess who's here!!" Gina says as her and Nini come into the kitchen.

"Auntie G! Aunt Nini!" Adrien says as he hugs them.

Adrien sits back down at the table. "Dad, when am I going to daddy's?"

"Uh, I haven't talked to him about that yet. When do you wanna go?" I say as I'm cleaning the counter.

"Happy divorce- evercy." Gina says as she hands me some flowers.

"Gina!" Nini snaps.

"When are you gonna talk to him again? You gotta at some point." Nini says.

"Why? Why do I have to? We agreed it was best to split up cause we were always fighting."

"That doesn't mean you get to not talk to him for eight years. Adrien is graduating next week, you know you're gonna have to face him soon anyway."

"Exactly so I'll just wait till then. Things just weren't meant to be for us. And-."

"Dad. I'm literally like five feet away from you. Whispering doesn't do anything." Adrien says and he walks away.

"Adrien. Neens can yo-."

"I got it." She says and fallows him into his room.

Nini POV:

As I sit on Adrien's bed next to him. "You okay bud?"

"Fine. I just don't understand why dad always talks about the divorce like I don't know what happened."

"I'm sorry, your dad really is trying though...... to be a good dad. Even after everything."

"I know, I didn't realize he would take it literally when I said I didn't want another dad after they divorced. Especially if I knew I was only gonna see one of them every now and then." He starts crying.

"Hey, how bout we change the subject let's talk a about something else. How's Sadie?"

"She's good. I'm scared though...... we were best friends before we started dating, my dads were as well. They got married and then got divorced and almost never talk. I dint want that to happen to us."

"It won't. Cause y'all aren't stupid."

"Your saying my dads are stupid?"

"They got married a year after they graduated high school."

"Yeah we're not doing that."

"Glad to here it."


Ricky POV:

I'm sitting in the football stadium with Nini and Gina. Adrien said EJ and Ashlyn were on the other side of the stadium so that's good, at least I won't have to see him for another hour.

Okay more like ten minutes.

"And it is my privilege to introduce East highs class of 2042." The principal says.

Everyone starts clapping as all the students throw their caps in the air.


We walking around trying to find Adrien and Sadie. I see out of the corner of my eye, EJ taking a picture of Adrien and Sadie.

I stand there staring for a minute.

"Just just stand there. Go take a picture with your son." Nini says as she hits my shoulder.

I walk over and Adrien comes upstairs to me and hugs me.

"Do you want me to take a picture of you guys?" EJ asks.

"Yeah, come on dad."

EJ takes the picture and gives Adrien's phone back and to him.

"I'm gonna take talk to my aunt's. Have fun." Adrien says and walks over to Nini and Gina.

"Hey." I say.

"How are you?" EJ asks.

"I'm okay. You?"

"I'm fine."

"Adrien's gotten big hasn't he."

"Yeah, he's looks a lot like you. I'm glad." He smiles.

"I'm sorry for the way we left things."

"Me to, I shouldn't have left Adrien like that. I should have put in more effort, like you did."

"It's okay, you were going through a lot and I didn't bother to try and understand it."

"I missed you then...... I still do." He starts tearing up.

"Me to." I start crying.

"I-is it ok if I hug you?"

"Yeah." I hug him.

He hugs me back crying into my shoulder. We break apart after a few seconds.


We both look at Adrien and notice he's crying. EJ hugs him, I hug them both.

"I love you guys." Adrien says.

"Aw a bucket of gay family tears." Sadie says.

Sorry y'all, I know this was the exact opposite of how things should be but I wanted to see how it played out.
Thx for reading

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