More Sasunaru

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"Ugh! Where is that Idiot!" Sakura screeched as she stopped walking in circles. Sakura looked around until her eyes fell on Sasuke. "Sasuke-kun~ Can you believe that Naruto and Kakashi-sensei are late!"


"Ooooh~ Sasuke-kun you're sooooo cool!" Sakura said, trying to act seductive while grabbing Sasuke's arm.

"Yo!" Kakashi said as soon as he popped up in front of the two. "Where's Naruto?"

"No idea, that idiot is going to make Sasuke-kun late!" Sakura yelled, nugging closer towards Sasuke. "Kakashi-sensei why don't you go check on him."

"Good idea, Sasuke, go to Naruto's home and bring him here!" Kakashi said, volintelling Sasuke.

"What! Sasuke shouldn't be troubled with this!" Sakura screeched once again.

"Hn." Sasuke said, getting out of Sakura's grip and walking supposedly to Naruto's place.

"Why was I the one Kakashi chose to go over? And why was Naruto late, this is nothing like him." Sasuke mummbled to himself, ignoring all the girls that were eye fucking him. Sasuke started speeding up when he saw no trace of Naruto anywhere.

"Naruto!" Sasuke said, banging on Naruto's door. "Naruto! Are you there!" Sasuke paused his excessive knocking to see if he would hear an answer. None. "Naruto!"

Sasuke tried to open the door but it didn't open. "Damn you Naruto." Sasuke grumbled as he kicked open the door. "Naruto!" Sasuke yelled, running into the house.

"Mmmmm," Sasuke heard from one side of the one room apartment. Sasuke looked over to that side of the room to see a bed with a lump in it. "Naruto?" Sasuke walked over to it and reached out his hand to grab the blanket.

"Naruto!" Sasuke yelled as he looked at the sleeping Naruto. "Mmmmh," Naruto grumbled, turning over his face facing Sasuke.

Sasuke was about to yell Naruto's name again until he looked at his face. Naruto's sun kissed skin seemed to be paler, he was sweating and looked uncomfortable. "Naruto?" Sasuke whispered as he moved his hand to Naruto's head.

Sasuke rested his hand on Naruto's forehead, only to pull it back immediately. "Dobe! Wake up!"

Sasuke yelled, Shaking Naruto awake.

"Sasuke?" Naruto whispered out his eyes barely open, staring at Sasuke.

"Dobe sit up, I'll make you something to eat, you have a fever." Sasuke demanded as he started walking over to the kitchen.

"Sasuke wait." Naruto said, trying to yell, but his throat was killing him. "Sasuke!"

Naruto got out of bed and ran over to Sasuke. "Dobe go back to bed." Sasuke whisper yelled, after turning around to see Naruto approaching him. "Go back to bed, I'll be there with food in a second."

"No." Naruto said, seconds later he tripped. Sasuke ran over to catch Naruto, successfully failing.


Sasuke opened his eyes only to see Naruto's blond hair. "Dobe!" Sasuke yelled, trying to push Naruto off.

"No!" Naruto said into Sasuke's chest, wrapping his arms around Sasuke. "I'm comfortable."

A light blush started to form on Sasuke's face as he continued on trying to push Naruto off. "Hn."

"What?" Naruto asked, still talking into Sasuke's chest.

"I'm going to take you to the bed, then I'm going to cook something for you." Sasuke said, giving up on pushing Sasuke off.

Sasuke Started to wrap unpri Naruto's arms off him till he felt something else wrap itself on him.

"No moving. Comfortable." Naruto said burying his head into the crook of Sasuke's neck. Naruto tightened his grip, making sure not to let go.

"You're like a kolawa." Sasuke said, his blush growing. "Fine."

Sasuke sat up, putting his hands under Naruto making sure he didn't slip. He then stood up and made his way to Naruto's bed. "Dobe let go now." Sasuke said as soon as Naruto's back was on the bed.

Naruto didn't answer, but instead Pulled Sasuke into the bed cuddling him. "D-dobe! L-let go!" Sasuke yelled, trying to squirm out of his grip.

"So, I should keep note of this so this doesn't happen again, or so something worse doesn't happen huh." Kakashi said, after appearing with a surprised Sakura right next to him.

"That would never happen! Plus Naruto is out of it, he has a fever." Sasuke said as he just layed there, accepting his fate.

"Sa-Sa-Sa-Sasuke-kun?" Sakura said before passing out from the sight of her crush sleeping with the dead last.

"Welp We'll leave you two alone, Have fun, but not to much, ja ne!" Kakashi said before disappearing.

"You Idiot! Why would we do that! You pervert!" Sasuke yelled at a non existent Kakashi. Sasuke looked down at the sleeping Naruto, even more blush covering his face, making him look like a tomato. "Stupid dobe." Sasuke said before wrapping his arms around Naruto's wasit. Falling asleep.

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