7-The problem with me is - david

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(David pov)
Ahhhh should I tell my soulmate and boyfriend that this is happing I'm so stressed I promise myself I wouldn't let them get hurt but look now where we are I can't do this anymore I flop on the balcony I hear the sliding glass door Oscar sits down next to me "David do you need help"

 I shiver the snow I'm sitting in is melting "Davey we should go inside your freezing" 

wait in the drama of the last day I forgot about les he will be back from school camp and he'll be wondering where I am my face feels warm I press my hand to my face it's wet I'm crying Oscar hugs me " I was living in the house for one month but you did the best you could we all love you for being there but we just need somewhere to live"

 I nod skittery skids out the room with My phone in his hand "Jack calling you"

(Oscar POV)
David takes his phone of Skittery and goes inside and flops on his boyfriend's lap Morris turns hot pink

 David is talking to jack the music is there again and I think I need to see someone about this song is weird "look at my ass look at my thighs I'm catnip to the guys-" I flop onto the pillow and scream into it why is it me

 "-love you Jackie bye" we all look at him he sighs "guys please don't kill me I have somewhere where we can live but you guys have to keep an open mind"

(Time skip)
"David Katz Jacob this is not happening I thought it was just them" gesturing to skittery and bumlets " not these things" gesturing to us skittery growls " my boyfriend not a thing he's a human!"

 jack rolls his eyes and then realises "Wait boyfriend?" he turns confused and flicks his eye between them "Jack please I love you and need this I don't have a home because I chose these people over my family because they never judged who I am they always care about me a supported me when I needed it. What's it going to be Francis?" Davey's voice now cold

he pauses "let me ask mama" he calls up the stairs to medda 

medda comes down the stair "what's up hun what do ya need?" jack scratches the back of his neck and he sighs "mama do we have any rooms?" she tilts her head to the side and the realises  she nods 

"only the attic room  has 1 bunk bed and curchies room has a bed but... in short yes we have space" he sigh rolling his eyes he sat down on the stairs "  David  nods

 "medda is it okay if we stay" 

medda nods and gestures  to the kitchen "come sit" I look to morris and sit down skittery  grabbing morris's hand I rest my head on my hand  "you boys look like you have been through some tough times but if I catch ANY of you hurting my boys that will be the last you ever see  of  my boys and this house clear?" we all nod 

I drag my bag up to the room medda told me to go to I pull open the door "you have got be kidding me!" curcthie  yells out to medda 

medda climbs the stairs "charlie morris please just get to know him LOOK! It sunny go for a walk get to know him!" even I knew that she was telling him not asking so he pulls on some converses and we go out

(Tich POV)
"Tich this is your last chance or  I will ensure that your tongue will be gone at 8 o'clock. okay?" he hands me the gun its a CZ 97 BD it's fully loaded  this isn't the first time they've given me  a weapon I sigh 

"whos the target?"   he glares at me 

"it's not a kill it's a kidnap but if it comes to it kill Death Row is driving you but your  the one who is kidnapping go ti? not shooty ." I nod wordlessly and brush my long brown-with-pink-tips hair out my face I turn to walk out a then realize

 "Oh Yeah idiot who's the target" Mr Higgins stares me down he hands me a list it says, 'oscar and morris Delancy's'

I sigh 14 years old and I have been ordered to kill ten people I just don't know I pace at the door   Mr Higgins's son walks up the stairs "hey tick" I glare at him

"its tich and you know it " he shrugs "I know I just don't care" he pulls the door open and walks in  a few minutes later Deathrow's van pulls up I didn't hear him come up the stairs but when he did I had a delayed reaction up a second late I fell over the rail Cottenmouth catches me 

"So kid ready for your first kidnapping," she says dryly I shrug pulling my C7 out of my bag for about 5 minutes and were there 

outside the house two boys exit one with a crutch one with a  looks like I know him he's the kid umm... you know synders muscle "that's them" throw the door open and hold up the C7 up "OI you to get in the van you scream you die  they put their hands up cottonmouth grabs the one with the crutch and Deathrow grabs the other  the tall one with dark hair wiggles slightly attempting to throw punches cottonmouth pinches him knocking him out cold

as we drive home I stare at the pair the one that's awake looks frightened for his life the other is sleeping head on his friend's shoulder  my mark has gone up on my left apparently this makes me more dangerous than my soulmates one is barely a five I could take him in a fight  when we get there they throw them in my apartment spare room I flip the wad of cash between t hand s and dump it in the jar only 600 more dollars and then I'm out of here Chicago here I come to stare at my hand the world flashes grey and there's blood dripping from my hands I let out a small scream  and fall the colour returns I done so may thing a normal kid wouldn't need to do but I'm not normal no one would get that 

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