10-Doctor Who- Oscar

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(Look ^ I dislocated my thumb)
"Hey curtchie" he stirs he sitting up "someone unlocked the door" we instinctively draw closer he laces his fingers with mine that person with the pink hair pulls the door open he is holding a gun  he enters and drops a tray on the floor it has some bread on it and a bottle of water I look at him

"sorry there wasn't much food in the house so I went shopping with the 10 quid I had to spare" curtchie glares into his soul and his voice deadly calm he asks " why are we here" He rolls his eyes and enters the room shutting the door he sits across from us he smiles

"your a mistake I only meant to take him prisoner" he fiddles with the trigger I blurt "why me ?!?" His eyes snap to me hungrily " I owe your uncle a favor" he scratches the back of his head with tip of the gun my grip tightens on crutchies hand he rubs circles in my hand

the boy sighs "I'm going to go and drink and regent my life choices" he gets up "wait" I say he stops half way through the door

" ain't you like 12" he shoots me a glare and slams the door

curtchie releases my hand he is starring forward visibly shaking he stares forward "curtchie you okay?" he's Snapped out of his thoughts
His eyes are sparkling with tears

"I'm scare osc I want to go home give my brothers a hug sing alone to moulin rouge with mush and blink I want to watch Doctor who with Elmer even though he asks questions the whole way through I want to play uno with finch and Tommy boy I want a big mum hug from mama and I want to sleep with my Dino plush Jojo got me" tears pooling in the bags under his eyes

I hug him " this isn't a hug from your mama but it is the best I can do" he smiles laughing to himself

"I don't think I can ever forgive you for what you did to my brothers but you doing a good job of trying" he throws his arms around me and squezes me

I hold him till his breathing slows I carry him to where he is was sleeping I lay him down he is peaceful for now

Go back to my spot and after rolling over a lot I get comfy and fall asleep

(Time skip brought to you by Tiches sanity)
(Tich POV the next morning)
"Up and attem boys," I say throwing the door open
they stir the one that can stand standing and help the over one up they say nothing I place the gun between the shoulder blades of the crip and push them out onto the street and into the van

Antonio is putting boxes in the moving van and he pause when he spots them he stares  and then walks to his dad  says something and then walks off

I get in the passenger of the van and we're off to Ohio

(Race POV) 
I knock on the door to Meddas house jack throws it open I puff "we need to go NOW!" Jack looks confused "what why ?" I drag him to the car "curtchie" he nods calling Davey and getting Morris Bumlets throwing himself in the car as well

Davey gets to the wheel and has barely left the garage when he's throwing it around we reach the exit of the street but he turns onto a familiar Brooklyn Street he sends skittery upstairs and returns with Albert, and Spot   " why do we need them?" Jack turns to face me "we need spot because he knows people and Albert... why is Albert here " spot smiles "because he is okay" I nod sticking my tongue out at him he copies me he smiles at Albert Albert he smiles back but not like a platonic smile I frown I stare out the window

(Back to Oscar)
(2 hours later)
We've been driving for hours and I am bored I want to do something crutchie is counting under his breath after about 3 hours we pull to a stop after about 10 minutes the boy throws the sliding door open he grabs crutchie by the scruff of his neck I yell in protest he looks at me with bored eyes he opens his mouth to show the blue gum he was chewing

"relaxes lover boy he isn't going anywhere your not" the woman grabs me by the neck pressing something to my back she roughly pulls my hands behind me she clicks something on the handcuffs I don't fight I'm thrown into the motel room

I'm sitting next to curtchie on a bed he throws crutchie over His shoulder winking at me in the process he walks to the table and throws the two chairs into there he dumps curtchie in one of the chairs and dumps him there and ties him up he comes over to me and I stand and walk to the closest before he can say anything I sit down and he handcuffs me to the chair he smiles at me "behave you two" and shuts the door

crutchie hisses to me "why did you do to that" his volume rises "SON OF A -" A DISTANT 'shut up' is heard

I roll my eyes "your an idiot" he smilies folding his bad and untied leg over his good tied-up leg "a very attractive idiot" he says smirking at me and before I even prosses what I want to say I breathe out a soft- "yeah-" he goes silent and stares at anything but me I drag the remains of the conversation we where having back

"-anyway i ran away from home becuse weasel was less than okay with my brothers sexuality" he frowns his mouth dropping open "and he was part of this gang- the Aces" crutchies eyes widen

"Can I be honest"he ask "my dad and my sister they were in this gang and my sister died in this gang  my dad died in this gang" he's just starring blankly tears bubbling up  "I'm sorry"

It hits me "why don't they recognise you?" He breaths  deeply screwing his eyes up

"I'm trans and they probably don't recognise me now"

"wait your Amy's younger sister.."

(Gasp drama this is exciting eeeeeee I have so much drama for the next chaptersss *drinks drama tea* - craft/impulse)

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