it's my fault- David (freaks-curtchie/oscar)

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(David pov)

TW : abuse mentioned death mentioned police

whatdididoifaliedthem I take a deep breath and commence to tell them what I know "I know what the kidnapper looked like" Morris's head shot off the table "who? what do they look like?" he almost yells I open Medda's phone she gave it to me earlier when I realised they were missing I hold up the phone

i can barely see them but they look about 14  with brown hair there also a girl with long dirt blonde hair morris looks to me "do we know them?" I shake my head "nope" I bury my head my head in jacks shoulder "what can we do" he mutters He stands up "I'm calling kaths mom" as he walks out I hear Morris mutter can't we just call the police
(Time skip)
There a knock on the door a tall brunett women stands there she is wearing a police uniform  her shoes polished to a shine "hello miss plumber" she continues to stare at me

"What happened?"  She dates eyeing Jack almost wolf like Jack starts to explain what had happen

(Oscar POV)

"Oscar" someone far away yells that brings me back "ugh Oscar your awake" he whispers his eye dilated he frowns at me "are you okay" he doesn't wait for a response I frown at him he sits there picking paint off the wall the binding on my hand digging into my wrist

I stare at him "I'm so sorry this is my fault" I stare at my hands "I left Snyder and now he wants me back" I feel tears bubbling up crutchie crawls to my side

"no non-no" he sits next to me just far enough away so he has some space Between is "you know what Oscar" crutchie says smiling bitterly "it not your fault if I hadn't of be such a ass I wouldn't of had to go out" I look to him

"But it's not just that I hurt people I could of done something to stop them" I'm sobbing now my voice quavering " I watch a kid die" I pulling my hair now crutchie pulls my hand down and then drops it on my lap

"Oscar listen to me" he says now his eyes shining with tears "I wasn't with my sister when she died because I was to busy crying over a smaller injury " he's crying now "I'm a horrid person really" he shrugs laughing meanly something that didn't suit him

I nudge him "free therapy huh?" He chuckles watery yeah I guess

He looks to me "Oscar thanks for being real" I bop his shoulder

"In case you haven't noticed I kinda had to be since we are locked in a room-" He rolls his eyes playfully "-anyway how long have we been in here"

He starts making calculation sounds "'bout 13 hours" my brain glitches

(David POV)
"wait how long" I smack my head on the table jack rushes to my side rubbing my back and kissing my head mumbling sweet nothing

The women stand with arms folded watching the recording "well" she states drawing out the l "the intended target appears to be the dark haired boy"

jack rolls his eyes "we know that" I elbow him "you" she says pointing to Morris "do you know him" Morris stands up walking across the room in two massive strides he taps on the table taking the corner of his nail polish off "yes I know him we met once" he clicks finger gunning her "his name was .... TYLER" Bumlets tenses but quickly brushes it off

She pulls out a laptop typing "there is no one on my records named Tyler that fits that description" Morris walks over to skitters who is now lying on his back on the green sofa lies on top of him warping arms around his waist I can hear skittery whisper to him "shhhh we will find him love" she stands up "if their is anything else I can do call me" she sighs "but I'm afraid it's been over 13 hours witch means they could most likely be...dead sorry boys I'll have to lable this as cold case if we see this boy will have him arrested but that's the best I can do."

Morris hides his head in skitterys chest skittery blinks in shock jack just freezes

I walk out the room I just need space I failed them I just need to keep them safe but noooo I had to go lose one and worse I lost my lovers best friend in the process and now he going to want to leave me because I can't take care of anything my face is heating up it feels like it burning in comparison to the cold room it the ballroom were we spent so may happy night the bunks are all tucked up form last time I hold the bar of crutchies bed he had left some of his plushies in the bed I pick one up a dinosaur Jojo got him for his last birthday it's soft against my itchy skin I smile just holding some thing of my missing possibly dead friend I hope that he is okay I want him to be okay I want both of them to be okay it just I know how it works Oscar knew so pretty bad people but if he's done something to upset any of them he might be in deep trouble and curtchie was just there at the wrong time am bad for letting this happen I examine every curve in the sheet of the bed trying to take all of it in but I pray to god that him and Oscar are fine I observe that he sleeps on his side the indent of the Dino plush I see that he doesn't put his head on he pillow I see light under the door the casting a shadow even though the room is dark it's jack I recognize the shape of his head he turns the nob pushing the door open gently

"Hey bun you okay?" I shake my head " can I touch you" I nod "he takes my hands and we just sit no words nothing just him and me
(That was a lot ?.or was it bad?)

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