Ch. 1

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Sorry for taking so long to update, but I was:

1) Out of ideas for the beginning of this, and I only have clearer ideas towards the middle/end

2) Focused on writing Shadow x Reader



You were sat in your room, watching a few videos on your phone before you inevitably had to head off to college for your first day.

You were, naturally, nervous.

Especially considering the fact you had an actual, literal demon living in your brain.

"You've eaten breakfast. What's keeping you from going out." He asked, and you shrugged.

"Nerves, I guess." Over the past weeks, you'd gotten pretty used to him, and he'd gotten used to you.

He couldn't take full control of your body, as that required you to be even more willing, but he could still talk.

Only you could hear him, of course.

You were more than grateful over the fact he couldn't read your mind, though it sometimes became awkward talking to yourself.

Well, 'yourself'.

"Why have nerves? If anyone gets on your bad side, crush them like bugs." Ah, yes. Did you forget to mention this guy was hellbent on destruction and death?

Because he was.

Big time.

"Bugs didn't do anything to me." You replied, hearing him audibly groan.

"You know what I mean, girl." He snarled, though meant no real harm.

At least, you thought.

You sighed as the time came to leave, your dad driving you to your college.

You were pretty privileged like that, your dad working from home, and always sparing a minute for you to drive you anywhere you wanted.

Besides, you didn't have a driver's licence of your own. At least, not yet.

And you felt this demon guy in your brain would help you cheat anyway.

Like, maybe that wouldn't be a horrible thing? Maybe. You weren't sure.

"Your heart is racing." Noted Mephiles, though you couldn't directly speak to him, as your dad would surely be suspicious.

"I'm so nervous about today." You said, smiling to your dad as he pulled into the parking lot of the college.

"Don't you worry. I'm sure you'll settle in just fine." He replied, patting your head.

You shrugged.

"I hope so."

You waved to your dad as he drove off, and sighed once he was gone.

"Okay, a few ground rules." You said with a stern expression.

"What, rules? I don't follow anyone's rules." He replied, seemingly bored.

"You live in my body, therefore, you follow my rules." He groaned, but you had his attention.

"If I'm studying, you be quiet. No helping me with any tests. I don't want to hear a peep out of you during classes." Though you couldn't see him, you could imagine him lounging on an imaginary couch as he listened to you.

(Sonic Boom AU) Mephiles x Reader (Living with a Demon?)Where stories live. Discover now