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Mephiles, my love.
Always and forever.


Mephiles wasn't sure how long had passed.

He didn't bother keeping count.

Staring out onto the landscape, a city could be seen in the distance, bustling with life.

It still felt like yesterday he'd met you, and fallen for you, hard.

He chuckled to himself.

Everyone was long since gone.

That was the price he paid for being immortal.

Some day, everyone you loved would be gone.

Of course, it kind of stung whenever someone passed, and it was a feeling he wasn't used to still.

So he'd since stopped interacting with mortals.

He'd never find anyone like you.

He felt two arms wrap around him, and he smiled, placing his hand atop the owner of the arms.


"What are you thinking about?" You asked, burying your face into his back.

"All kinds of things, my dear." He replied, and you released him, to stand in front of him instead.

You hadn't aged a day since he turned you into a demon yourself, the two of you unwilling to part with each other.

You paid a hefty price for it.

Everyone you loved was dead.

Your family, your friends... of course, it still hurt you.

You never stopped thinking about them.

But you watched over their children and grandchildren, and any children they may have.

Mephiles jokingly called you their 'guardian angel', which you actually kind of liked.

You never got too close, though.

It still hurt when they died, so the less attached, the better.

You were happy with Mephiles, despite the pain.

"Like what?" You asked, smiling to him.

"All kinds of things." Pouting, you lightly nudged him.

"Be more specific!" Amused, he laughed, and placed a kiss to your lips.

"Make me." He grinned smugly, fangs on show.

You did your best to glare, and even chased him around as he ran from you, thoroughly entertained.

One day, you'd grow tired of life.

And he'd be happy to hold you tightly as you drew your last breath, willingly ending your time on this planet.

He would go with you to wherever you may go after this life, unwilling to leave your side.

But until then... this was nice too.

He had you, and that's all he needed.

(Sonic Boom AU) Mephiles x Reader (Living with a Demon?)Where stories live. Discover now