Ch. 12

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Man, I was in the middle of writing this all 'HELL YEAH TIME TO WRITE SMUT'.
Then I stopped writing, and the mood was just g o n e.
Instead, I wrote some sad-ish stuff.
Mephiles, my love, don't destroy the world.
For the reader's sake, be a good boy.
Anyway, smut WILL eventually be written.
What can I say, I'm as bad as Mephiles is.
I mean, I write him.
So, obviously. 😉


Mephiles wasn't sure what he was to do with these... feelings.

All he'd known before meeting you was the pleasure of destroying life.

And now... well, he was completely smitten.

He hated it.

But he couldn't destroy you, like he had so many others.

He had considered it, but the mere idea of harm coming to you... it made his blood boil.

Rather than destroy you, he'd keep you alive.

Make you submit to him, claim you, even if he had to drag you down with him, screaming.

He wanted you all to himself.

Sure, a physical body would be nice for you, but if he had to settle for only having your soul, he'd do that.

You'd eternally be his.

Whether you wanted to be or not.

You woke up Friday morning, excited for the weekend.

Just one more day of college, and you'd be free for a bit.

As you sat at the kitchen table, eating your breakfast, your dad spoke up.

"Oh, by the way." You turned your gaze to him, as did Mephiles, who currently wasn't eating.

Said he hated 'basic foods'.

Whatever that meant.

"Your mother and I will be gone for the weekend. Apparently her sister's having some trouble with moving, and we've offered to help." Mephiles' gaze slowly turned to you, and you felt it.

It unnerved you.

"Oh, alright. When are you leaving?" You asked, trying to ignore the demon's stare.

"After we've dropped you off back home." You nodded, eating another spoonful of cereal.

That meant you'd be alone with Mephiles, huh.

Which, judging by your history together, would probably end up with something sexual happening.

At least, it did the last time you were alone with him.

Granted, he lived in your mind at that time, but still.

You arrived at college, Mephiles holding your hand as you made your way inside.

You'd gotten kind of used to it at this point, and even enjoyed it.

"Oh, hun!" You heard Rouge call out for you, and you turned to her with a smile.

"When's the next time the two of us can have a girls' night, huh?" She asked, referring to the fact you'd been rather 'occupied', ever since Mephiles came back.

"Oh, ah... I don't know. Next weekend, maybe? You know how he is." You said, though as you were still holding his hand, it was obvious he could still hear you.

(Sonic Boom AU) Mephiles x Reader (Living with a Demon?)Where stories live. Discover now