Chapter 44

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The pill invades every part of my body with a slow spread of artic breeze into my veins. I feel super charged, as if at any moment I could implode, yet I feel full- complete. Parting my lips, the chill on my breath is startling yet welcoming, my magic has come back at the oddest times since I'd taken my first pill. But nothing like this, when I was enhanced, it was almost as if I was normal again. 

Overflowing with power, I turn my attention to my husband. 

"Don't come over here, Nic." Verando's voice shocks me out of my euphoria. "I'm not in control." 

The black consuming the right eye brought me to pause, I rack my brain for what could possibly be the cause of such an ailment. "Like hell. You're not fighting this asshole alone and your eye is.. what in gods name.." Slinging my hand down, I send a wall of ice barreling towards Caspian, the man dives out the way as I block him from the view of the police station. 

Sirens wail overhead as more and more police vehicles surround us. My sensitive hearing keys in, and I flinch away from the ear-splitting sound. "That's right, keep proving to them why they should fear you. Do my job for me." Caspian scoffs, the bullet wounds littering his body were already beginning to heal.

It was true that they seemed much more tolerant of lycan interference than they did of my magic, perhaps because the clean up was more extensive. Lifting my watch to my lips, I cue in on Lotta. "Lotta, call them off. Much as I never thought I'd say this, Caspian is right. We're playing right into his hands."

Verando flashes his teeth, laying his ears flat back against his skull at Caspian's slow approach. I move to put my arms around his neck, the wolf snaps his jaws close to my hands before shaking out his coat. "Nic, I'm serious. Get away from me, I can't control this."

"That's why you have me, to help you control this. Don't forget, I'm a lycan too, you know." I didn't have to be chased away anymore, he couldn't hurt me like he could when I was human. I could hold my own, I could fend him off if I had to. 

The dark haired man scowls, "Well isn't that sweet. I could vomit. It'll make it all the more entertaining when Shadowcast takes over his mind, you'll be the first one I unleash him on."

Verando barks back in response, the black spreads as the anger mounts. 

"Randy's a neutral! I'm not lying, the black is trying to take over!" The younger version of the psychopath yells as he scrambles out of the car. 

"Thats it. Come and get me." Caspian hisses through gritted teeth as the wolf breaks free before I can stop him. The two collide, hitting with an impact that reminded me of a clap of thunder.

"I've sent out a message to the heroes to get here immediately, Johnathan Campbell is using this to his advantage. We've got to get them off the street and out of the public eye." Lotta's voice rings in my ear as the pair desemates another vehicle. 

The car screeches under the weight of Verando smashing Caspian through it's roof, using him as a spring board as the black wolf climbs out of the man's body. Fenrir's spirit made the creature so much larger, I shudder at the thought of us fighting him in our old home. But, he was weaker than he had been, he still had not recovered from our last fight. I note he's smaller, slower moving with an almost shambling gait at times. 

Before I know it, Caspian and Randy are standing beside me. "What happened to me?" Caspian breathes, horrified. 

Randy pulls his lips into a thin line, "It's this bloody curse.. this obsession. They said Kestrel disappeared, does that mean you never married Delilah?"

Caspian searches the ground, "I... this... it changes everything! It's not fair, you weren't supposed to fall in love with a man." I listen to the exchange, if Caspian remembered that in the future then we were unsuccessful in erasing their memories. Turning to face them, I guide them lower and put up an ice shield as Verando flies through the street, shredding the asphalt with the weight of the impact. 

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