Chapter 13

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Kobayashi POV

"Miss Kobayashi, Miss Kobayashi. If someone asked, you'd say I'm the ultimate maid, right?"

"No of course not, what are you up to?" I returned.

She pouted before continuing.

"Here look at this magazine I found."

"A maid café's opening? It's close to." I observed.

"It says all who enter will be welcomed by our best maids. Best maids! How!? Who do they think they are making such false claims about me?!" The girl yelled.

"Huh, that's right now one should make false claims. Including the dragon in front of me currently making them."

"Then I'll just turn the café' to ash and their business will fail as a result of my cursed flames!" She bellowed.

"I highly advise against it." I uttered.

"Noted, I'm going to scout out the enemy!" The dragon yelled before rocketing passed my seated figure and out the door, leaving me slightly perplexed.

The minutes passed as I waited for the girls return or for an emergency broadcast to be displayed on the news.

"I have returned from the great beyond!" Tohru yelled, abruptly careening through the door.

"Your back, did you destroy anything?"

"No, I wound up getting a job there!" She enthusiastically replied.

"How exactly?!" I bellowed in surprise.

"Still doesn't explain why you had to drag me along." Y/N's tired voice drawled.

Kanna and I had decided to pay Tohru a visit mostly to make sure she hadn't killed anybody but had run into Y/N on his way out. He was apparently going out to get stuff for breakfast so naturally I figured I'd just take him along with me.

"Oh, stop being such an introvert, I'll pay your bill just move it." I mumbled.

This fortunately silenced the male as we continued to walk.

"You know, it's become kind of obvious that you don't spend a lot of time outside your apartment. So, consider this a..."

My sentence was cut short by an arm being shoved out in front of me before a car shot past where I would've been standing out on the road.

"Maybe stop worrying about me and start focusing on yourself. I'm sure I'm not the only one with things they need to deal with." The male sternly answered.

"Wow, that was so cool Y/N!" Kanna abruptly cooed, earning a smile from the male.

We soon arrived at the café' which turned out to represent that of plain style maid cafés.

"Ugh, I can find a way to enjoy most situations but this, this is going to be challenging."

I shrugged him off before we were directed to a booth by one of the many maids wandering the diner. The menu displayed a variety of dishes, all of which had apparently gotten good reviews according to Y/N's googling.

"Yeah, looks as if the omelette rice is one of the more recommended things here." The male interjected over his phone.

"Mhm, hey wait a minute where's Tohru?"

"Back there." Kanna responded pointing to a small corridor, one of the rooms seemingly producing orange light.

We turned the corner and there she was, slicing away at the dishes before her.

A Dragons Tale: Male Reader x Miss Kobayashi's Dragon MaidWhere stories live. Discover now