Little babies :3

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If your not real, then how come I feel this way! Little babies~
C'mere! *Gives head pats and lots of love*

Because you deserve luv!!

Anyways, first oneshot of this, enjoy!

Oh right, you guys have been dating for 2 years and have your own house on green hill, this takes place after the second sonic movie, also sonics your brother.

"I want a child" knuckles said out of no where.

"W-what?.." you said.

You and knuckles were just sitting on the couch watching TV, knuckles had his arm behind your head while you laid your head on his shoulder.

Then knuckles said that out of no where.

"You heard what I said" he spoke, still looking at the tv.

"I know what you said but what?!" You stood up.

"Hey, we have been dating for 2 years in total, we are legally allowed to have a child now." Knuckles said in a "matter-of-fact" tone of voice, you were blushing red, and shocked.

"Come on, please? It would be cute to see a bunch of little us'ses running around our house!" He said daydreaming and and happily.

Now that you thought about it, it would be cute and adorable to have little echidnas and little hedgehogs (if you didn't read the desc at the top, then you'll know you're sonics sister) running around the house, although you've done.. "it" multiple times (because of heat seasons and knuckles' horniness ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ) knuckles still used protection.

"Please?" Knuckles said in a sweet tone while on his knees, his hands clasped together with yours as he gives big sparkling eyes while pouting.

Now this.. you couldn't say no to..

And so you blushed.

"I- *sigh* fine.. I guess it would be adorable to see little echidnas and little hedgehogs running around our house, but please... Don't go rough... Again..." You pleaded, knuckles smiled widely and hugged you... Tight...

"ACK!! KNUCKLES!! TOO TIGHT TOO TIGHT!!!" You shouted desperately.

Knuckles then let go and kissed you, you blushed a the contact but kissed back.

You guys were sharing a moment when...

"Ehem... So uhm... You guys done?" Tom said awkwardly behind you, you both then broke the kiss and looked embarrassed at the small family ft. Tails.

"How long?.." you asked, tails said that they just got here half an hour ago, they apparently overheard you and knuckles talking about having little echidnas and hedgehogs around the house.

You and knuckles both blushed even more out of pure embarrassment.

"Awww!! But it would be so cute to see little echidnas and hedgehogs around your house!" Maddie said, tom nodded but sonic glared at knuckles.

"You better treat her and her children right, or else it's the popo for you.." sonic said to knuckles, although the echidna wasn't scared. He knew this talk would come...

"Yes yes, I will hedgehog, do not worry, that is an echidna promise!" Knuckles said promisingly, although sonic wasn't buying it, he still trusted him.

"Ok so, what did you guys need??" You asked, apparently they were gonna go for donuts and decided to invite you both, you and knuckles both agreed but of course, knuckles asked if they had a grape flavoured donut, to which his demise, they didn't..

So now the donut store they go to has grape donuts, and happily shared the recipe to your and knuckles.




no no.. let her yeet everything..

Big brother you're not helping..

I'm trying my best lol *sips soda*


Anyways, hope you guys enjoyed that- SIS STOP!!


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