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If you've read my Monty one shot, you know what that title means.

A/t = Animal type


"Where are we going again?" Knuckles asked the A/T that was dragging him.

"To the donut store silly!" You chirped, you were bored in your house and so was knuckles, so why not get some donuts and milkshakes!

You both reached the store and went in, you went to the counter and asked knuckles if he could help you reach the counter, he agreed and put you over his shoulders.

You both ordered and got your food and went to sit outside.

"Mmmm! These glazed donuts are the best!" You exclaimed.

"This grape milkshake is also the best!" knuckles exclaimed too, you guys just talked and had fun.

~timeskip to nighttime, ugh.. this isn't how I planned this..~

Knuckles pov :

I wanted to go see the stars as they seem quite beautiful from my rooms window, and so I've planned out to go to the usual cliff me y/n go to when we want to see the stars, sunset, and sunrise.

So I went out, I grabbed the keys to unlock the door and left with said key, not forgetting to close the door.

I was midway through the forest when I heard a cough behind me, I turned around and saw y/n.

"And where are you going?" She asked, quite irritated...

"I was just going to go see the stars from the cliff, would you... Like to come with?" I suggested, she shrugged and just said 'ok'.

So we walked to the cliff while making some small talk on the way.

We had to go through town to go to the cliff, so this was going to be pretty difficult, because donut lord's friend, I believe his name is wade, is on patrol on this time.

And we do not want to get caught, or else wade will call donut lord and donut lord will give us a talking, me and y/n have experienced this 'talk' but on different occasions.

So as we were walking, we neared the small town and y/n grabbed my hand, I blushed but brushed it off and focused as to what she was saying.

"Ok, so, were going to run through...." She continued to ramble out the plan to get to the cliff, I wasn't listening just listening to her voice, not even listening to the plan.

"Hey, hey knuckles!" Y/n snapped her fingers in front of my face.

I got out of my trance and nodded when y/n told me if I understood the plan, in which... I didn't...

"Hey uh... Y/n? We may or may not get caught..." I said, y/n looked at me and sighed disappointedly and grabbed my hand, I felt bad that I made her disappointed in me... (But knucklehead.. you wanted to go to the cliff alone.. dumbass)

"It's alright knuckles, just follow my lead" she smiled and assured me, not seeming disappointed anymore, phew glad for that.

And so, we went to town and tried to avoid the delirious-to-sleep wade.

I hid on an alley and went behind some garbage, it stinked.. but it was to avoid wade.

Me and y/n kept hiding when we accidentally ran into each other.

"Oh sh- I mean, sorry knuckles" she whispered in a hush tone but she then grabbed me and went to an alley.

Y/n pov :

'Ugh! I shouldn't have went here!' I thought irritatedly, we were closed off by wade, I could sense him, he's near...

And so I did what I could only think of...

I pinned knuckles to the alley wall and kissed him.

Knuckles was shocked but kissed back immediately. (Shocker..)

Knuckles changed the position to me getting pinned and put both my hands above my head.

He smirked in the kiss and deepened the kiss more, he asked for entrance and I obliged, opening my mouth a little, his tongue swiped in and started battling mine.

He won with full dominance and victory.

My legs were getting tired and becoming jello at that point, so knuckles sat me on the alleys ground and put one hand on the ground beside me and kept the other hand on my hands above my head.

"Hey! What are you two doing there?" Wade shouted at us, low enough so that the whole town doesn't wake up.

Knuckles grumbled and parted his lips from mine and stood up, I stood up as well.

"Just uhm... Making out? Hehe.." I shouted back, also low enough so that the town wouldn't hear.

"Uhm.. ok... I'm just gonna... Leave you guys..." Wade said awkwardly and started walking out.

"Wait!" I shouted, still in the alley with knuckles, "please don't tell Tom or Maddie!" I shouted, still low enough, but enough for wade to hear.

"Eh sure why not, but you owe me 50 buckaroos" wade told me, I nodded and he left.

"Well that was easier than what we have thought" knuckles said and looked at me.

He smirked... Oh no...

"Now let us... Continue.." he huskily whispered in my ear.

Oh dear God.. good thing he used his super speed to get to the house faster or else.. oh god I don't wanna do it in an alley..

And so we just did it in his room.

Welp... Say goodbye to walking y/n, because you are not gonna be walking for a full week!


*Insert dinosaur meme* yee

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