New.. friend?

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You're a human in this, also movie!knuckles

You were just chilling, and by chilling I meant sleeping on the couch, well half-sleeping.

The tv was on, everything was clean, it was a tiring asf to deal with cleaning the whole house.

The AC was on, you were flicking through channels when you heard your greatest fear at that time...

"Y/n!? Are you there? We have knuckles and Sonic here is dying to see you... Again" Maddie shouted outside the door of your house, no you didn't hate Maddie, it was just that, you hate talking to people. (Hey that's me)

"Daylights running low quick y/n! Hurry up and open the door to your new roommate!" Sonic shouted, you got out of your trance and opened the door only to be greeted by a blue blur tackling you causing you to fall.

"Sonic no let go of y/n please!" Tom pleaded the hedgehog, sonic got off of you and you stood up greeting both Tom, Maddie and Sonic.

What you didn't notice was a two tailed fox behind Maddie, and a red echidna that has his fists curled in a ball 24/7 behind tom.

"Hey! And who are you guys?" You asked the two unknown beings that you didn't remember we're part of the wachowski family.

"Hi! I'm Miles prower! But you can just call me tails!" The two tailed fox- or rather, Tails said and offered his hand for a handshake, you gave him his handshake and looked at the red echidna.

"And who might you be tough guy?" You asked the red echidna.

Knuckles' muzzle turned a slight pink at the compliment, even though he doesn't know what that is.

"My name is knuckles, knuckles the echidna. I am going to be the one living with you as donut lord and donut lord's wife have said over through your... Communication device.." the red echidna- or knuckles, said as he too stretched his hand for you to give a handshake, you gave him his handshake and almost died from how strong his grip was.

"Yeah he has a pretty rough grip.." sonic said as he stood at the door, "now can we leave please??? I don't want to miss the fats and furious movie!!" Sonic begged.

Tom, Maddie, tails, and sonic had to sadly leave, you and knuckles waved them goodbye and you shut the door.

You sighed and looked at your side to see that knuckles wasn't there anymore, you panicked a bit but calmed down when you saw him sitting in the couch looking curiously at the tv.

"What is this... Strange giant device that seems to put on moving pictures?" Knuckles asked as he walked closer to the tv.

"It's a tv! And no, those aren't moving pictures, They're videos! Here come seat beside me and I'll tell you how they work" knuckles seemed entrigued with your suggestion so he say down beside you and listened to you talk about how videos work, you even showed him your phone.

When you finished explaining, you heard the doorbell ring and excused yourself from knuckles.

You opened the door to see Maddie holding what seems to be a vanilla cake.

"Hey y/n! I had to buy you some cake as an apology for-"

"No no! There's nothing to apologies for Maddie! I'm quite alright actually! You don't have to pay me anything don't worry! Just happy to help a friend!" You cut Maddie off.

"Oh ok, but this cake will be a waste so just take it! Plus it's grape flavoured!" Maddie suggested, At this sentence, knuckles went over to your side and tugged your sweaters sleeve.

Knuckles x Reader One shots (because why not)Where stories live. Discover now