Video games

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At this point... Don't be surprised as to who requested this if you read my Monty oneshots...

FawnwitchTics requested this, don't be surprised..

Anyways, Movie!knuckles x human!reader

Also!!! Knuckles can turn human and I love black hc knuckles!!!! BLACK KNUCKLES SUPREMACYYYYY

I've grown quite the crush on both movie and human knuckles more... Somehow..

You were bored, wow what great way to start the story, I know, I'm awesome.

Anyways, you were lying upside down on your shared couch, on your shared house, who do you share the couch and house with? None other, than knuckles the enchila- echidna.

He was confused as to how things worked at first, but then you taught him how said things worked.

Boom, story over bye.


Nah I'm just kidding I'm not that mean... Ehe..

Anyways, knuckles walked over down the stairs only to be met with you lying upside down on the couch, watching sesame street, with half lidded eyes.

Knuckles walked over to you and coughed.

"Huh? Oh, hey knux, ya need somethin'?" You asked lazily and groggily.

"Yes actually, I had nothing to do in my room and was thinking if you had anything I could do." Knuckles asked and sat down on the couch with you still upside down.

Your eyes lit up as an idea popped in your head.

"Hey I can teach yo- omph!!" You face planted on the carpet as knuckles kneeled to your aid.

"A-are you alright y/n?!" He asked concerned, you sat up and smiled at him.

He checked you out (mostly on the face) if you had any injuries.

"I'm fine I'm fine knux, anyways, I can teach you how to play video games!" You said as knuckles cupped his giant gloved hands in your cheeks (no not that kind of cheeks...)

"What are... Video games?" He asked as he let go of your cheeks, you smiled and sat back down on the couch, knuckles following.

"A video game or computer game is an electronic game that involves interaction with a user interface or input device such as a joystick, controller, keyboard, or motion sensing device such as the Wii!" You showed him some examples of the devices you said, gladly for you, you were rich asf, so you had all kinds of devices lol. (I don't care if you're not rich, you are now)

Knuckles seemed to be quite happy to learn something about humans, and also to know that he can finally do something when he's bored.

"So which one do you want to play?" You asked the echidna, said echidna was looking through all the choices he had.

'PS5? No..

PS4? Seems too old model.. (idk I never had any of the choices ok??)

Wii seems quite fun, but I have to move quite a lot based on what y/n had said.. hmm...' knuckles kept thinking of what to choose on the few games that were laid Infront of him.

"I will choose..." He kept on thinking, until one caught his eye, a certain white orb with an X and green glowing inside of the X.

"I will choose this glowing green X orb" he pointed at the box that contained the Xbox.

Knuckles x Reader One shots (because why not)Where stories live. Discover now