happy family <3

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Probably boom!knuckles, idk

A/T = Animal type

"Papa! Papa!! Can you tell us the story again? Pleeeaaaasse???" A small female echidna and A/T mix begged her father, her little brother clinging on their fathers leg.

Knuckles chuckled at his child's words.

"Haha, alright alright... Get your mama, and maybe we can both tell the story" knuckles told his child, his child, by the name of Matilda, well her eyes sparkled and picked her baby brother, Dunkin, from her fathers leg and immediately went to her mother.

You were making some grape juice for everyone when you heard the faint sound of Matilda's voice, you chuckled and put some of the grape juice in 3 cups not forgetting to put a straw in one of the cups, you poured a small bit of juice on a baby bottle.

"Mama! Mama!! Papa is gonna tell us the story again and he wants you to tell it with him!!" Your daughter chimed while safely holding her baby brother.

"Haha alright alright Matilda, give me your baby brother and bring these with you" you handed Matilda two cups filled with grape juice while you gave Dunkin his baby bottle, you held your cup of juice.

"Papa! Papa!! Here's your grape juice!" Matilda chimed and gave a cup to her father, knuckles thanked Matilda and Matilda sipped through the straw on her cup.

You put Dunkin on the couch next to Matilda and went over to knuckles.

"So the usual story?" You asked knuckles.

"Well you know what these two like anyways love" in knuckles kissed you on the lips, you kissed back.

"Ewwww!! Do it in the bedroom!" Matilda covered her and Dunkin's eyes, you and knuckles both chuckled at her actions.

"Haha alright alright sorry, so knuckles, dear, who's gonna start the story?" You asked.

"How about you do it this time? I think if I say 'once upon a time' one more time, it's gonna be Dunkin's first words..." Knuckles wondered.

You laughed at this and sat on the arm of the armchair knuckles was sitting on.

"Can you tell the story now pleeassee???" Matilda begged, Dunkin followed with a "pah!". (Dawwwww)

"Alright alright.. once upon a time-" you began, you told the story about how you and knuckles met, once again, Matilda and Dunkin never seem to get tired of this story.

You and knuckles wondered if they'll ever get tired of it.

And years later.. they still haven't.. lol

You were sitting in the living room reading a book while knuckles was laying his head in your lap, fast asleep.

"Mama!" A six year old Dunkin walked over and hugged you, knuckles woke up at the sound of his son's voice.

"*Yawn* morning.." knuckles said sleepily.

"Haha! Papa!! It's afternoon!" Dunkin chimed.

Matilda came to the living room looking exhausted.

"Matilda? Is something wrong?" Knuckles asked, Matilda responded with telling him that a bunch of bullies came to her and stole her lunch money.

"Oh did they now... Don't worry Matilda we'll deal with this" knuckles said with a tone of voice that can quite possibly kill someone.

"Knuckles..." You gave knuckles a warning, you knew where he was going with this.

You whispered something in knuckles' ear, Dunkin can't hear it though.

Knuckles x Reader One shots (because why not)Where stories live. Discover now