Chapter 1-I can't lose her

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Natalie. What are you doing here. Where's Jay. Hailey questioned as she rambled on?

Good morning Hailey, Jay left a few minutes ago so I said I'd come and sit with you in case you woke up. He's gone home to get you some flesh clothes and some breakfast. Natalie spoke as she smiled at Hailey?

Does that mean I'm getting out of here today. Hailey questioned?

Yeah you're getting discharged today, we only kept you in as a precaution and everything checked out overnight so you're good to go. But there is something I wanted to talk to you about. Natalie spoke in her more serious doctor's tone of voice?

Erm okay. What is it. Hailey replied nervously. She didn't know where Natalie was going with it and she wasn't sure if she wanted to know?

We ran some tests when you arrived last night and I noticed something on your blood panel. Your levels of beta HCG are elevated. Natalie explained in a calm voice, trying not to Hailey?

What does that mean. Hailey questioned very confused?

Well... you're pregnant. Natalie stated as she smiled back at Hailey. A look of shock instantly formed on Hailey's face?

Wait really. Hailey questioned, she wasn't sure whether this was a dream or not?

Yes really Hailey. You're going to be a mom. Natalie exclaimed excitedly. Hailey's face lit up from the reassurance from Natalie however after a few seconds her facial expression changed and Hailey burst into tears?

Hey don't get upset, are you okay. Natalie spoke quietly as she moved to the edge of the bed and wrapped her arms around Hailey?

After a few moments Hailey calmed down. Yeah I'm fine, I'm really happy actually. It's just, I could have harmed our baby. Hailey's voice trailed off as she felt a couple more tears run down her cheeks?

Don't think like that Hailey, you didn't do anything wrong, you didn't cause that crash. You haven't done anything to cause harm to your baby. Natalie reassured Hailey, it seems to work as Hailey relaxed and let out a big smile?

Do you want to see your baby. Natalie questioned as she moved off the side of Hailey's bed?

Yes. Hailey replied instantly. Actually, you can do the scan but I don't want to see the baby. Hailey quickly followed up, Natalie looked back at her with a confused but curious look on her face. I want to be with Jay the first time that we see our baby?

I can wait and do it when he gets here if that's what you want. Natalie replied, she found it heartwarming that Hailey wanted to wait for Jay so they could see their baby together for the first time?

Do the scan now, I'm going to surprise him with the news later when we get home. I want to do it with just us to there and no one else. Hailey spoke out?

Natalie smiled at Hailey and moved around her bed to where the ultrasound machine was. Hailey gasped slightly was the cold gel hit the exposed skin of her abdomen. Natalie slowly started moving the stick around Hailey's abdomen and smiled to herself as she saw Hailey and Jay's baby for the first time?

Is everything okay. Hailey questioned, she was a little nervous that Natalie hadn't said anything yet?

Yeah. Don't worry Hailey everything is fine. You're about seven weeks along or thereabouts. Your baby seems to be developing to the stage that we expect it to be at seven weeks. Do you want to hear the heartbeat. Natalie questioned as she looked away from the screen and turned her attention to Hailey?

Yes. Hailey responded excitedly, she wanted to wait for Jay but she needed this reassurance that their baby was alive and doing well. A few seconds later the room filled with the sound of their baby's beating heart. Hailey felt a couple of tears form as she got emotional hearing her baby for the first time. Wow. Was all Hailey could say, she couldn't describe the feeling in her body right now, she was listening to a life that her and Jay had created, this was probably one of the happiest moments of her life, if not the happiest?

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