Chapter 5: Prepare For Affection

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F/C - Favorite Color

F/B - Favorite Brand

Dark's POV

"So. I heard about what happened." Zoidpon said as she appeared beside my feet. "So, that's it. Isn't it?" She asked me, still wearing her Protogen helmet.

"Honestly, I thought things would be better once I came back

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"Honestly, I thought things would be better once I came back. But I guess people wanted me gone because it seems as though I'm only making more enemies with my comeback. Now I'm struggling to wonder if Wattpad will ever be the same as it was beforehand. Now I have people running around like maniacs trying to be me." I replied as she nodded her head sideways.

"Why can't people ever just leave you alone in let you do what you love doing?" She asked me and I chuckled. "Honestly? I wish I had an answer. But I don't. And I may never have one. But, we might as well enjoy the time we have left." I said, sitting down on an invisible platform with Zoidpon sitting beside me, putting my arm around her as we both stare out into the galaxy.

"You ever think they will come back?" She asked me and I pondered about the answer I should give her. I just sighed and reverted to my slime form, slowly melting into a puddle. "Honestly Z? I don't think I can. I mean, trust me, as much as I want to. I just can't. I was only able to salvage a few. But, with how strict this platform is now? My universe a way, restricted." I answered her question with a sad sigh at the end.

"I had a feeling about that. So, what's next in the long run?" She asked me. "I don't know, Z. I just don't know." I said, morphing into my furry form. "I guess I'll just have to either rewrite old dimensions or create new ones." I replied, staring off into the galaxy. "So, you used up all of your omnipotence just to recreate everything?" She asked me. "Yeah. Slowly my omnipotence came back. But that's about par." I replied.

The now of the situation would be to just try to move on. The past is the past, but the future is now.

???'s POV

I was standing in front of my office window, overlooking Fountainhead City, "A bunch of filthy animals. But don't worry humans. I plan on saving our race before they can enslave us. I will not allow that to happen. You can all be reassured that this nightmare will end soon. Pokemon will be no more once I'm finished." I mumbled as I stared down at the anthropomorphic Pokemon walking with humans. "I'll gladly send them back to the stone age before they send us back themselves," I said as I walked towards my desk and sat on my chair, pressing a button underneath the desk, and soon the whole floor underneath the table opened and descended, the doors on the floor closing back down.

After the platform finally landed, I was in my laboratory where I saw most of my prisoners were...Pokemon. Of course, with how dangerous they are to humankind, they have to be eliminated. There is no doubt about that.

"You! Why are you doing this!?" An anthropomorphic Gardevoir shouted, pounding her bawled-up fist against the glass. "Forgive me my dear, but I'm afraid your anthropomorphism cannot be allowed. It's completely unacceptable and immoral. Pokemon are not supposed to walk on two legs like humans. I don't care how or why you Pokemon became anthropomorphic in the first place but I plan on correcting your physiology back to your initial feral forms." I said.

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