Chapter 6: Social Challenges

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???'s POV

"Boss." My henchmen spoke up, appearing before my desk as I wrote a very important list of mechanized equipment I needed for my prototype. Of course, The Federal Department Of National Ballistics Control wouldn't sell any to me, though, they knew exactly what I was doing, and they rejected my idea and their reason? They wanted to avoid starting a war against Pokemon for attempted genocide. Oh good lord, that has to be the best humorous joke I've heard yet.

What war are they implying? Are they implying that Pokemon can be superior to humans? They must be joking. We're humans. They may walk like us, but deep down? They're still animals.

Mutant alien animals with superpowers. Big deal. One single bullet to the head and they are dead. Just like that. Sure, a Houndoom can leave a burn wound that will last forever, but a bullet to the head will end its life forever.

"We got that thing for ya." He said as he placed a chip on my desk. "Ah! Thanks! Finally, with this tiny upgrade, my prototype will be ready. All it needs is the equipment I purchased and once it's delivered, my weapon will be complete." I chuckled, holding the little chip in my fingers as I stared at it, its exterior whirring with multiple colors. "Boss, if I may ask. What's the whole purpose of this anyway?" He asked me and I looked up at him, standing up and walking towards the glass wall window, folding my hands behind my back as I looked down, overlooking the whole entirety of Fountainhead City.

"It's the next step in a plan that will render both humans and Pokemon in divided sections. The question is, which species will become extinct. Humans? Or, Pokemon? I think we can all agree on which species will come out on top. Humans, of course." I explained, still looking down on the streets of Fountainhead City, disgusted that these insolent creatures dare walk on two legs, especially walk among humans as if they ever thought we'd let them into our society.

"But what goal could there be in destroying a whole species sir?" He asked me and I turned to him. "The first thing you need to know is that our ancestors did not waste six million years for this day to come. They didn't plan on having their descendants waste their life groveling and drooling over anthropomorphic creatures. We're treating these damning abominations as if they are people. Which, they're not. What they are, are creatures that need to be exterminated as soon as possible before they enslave us for good. Our ancestors did not give us all of these accomplishments just to have them forcefully taken from us by them. They're not people. They are just mindless animals who grew a sentient mind and suddenly believe they can walk on two legs just like humans." I explained.

"What do you mean by groveling over?" He asked me and I leaned on my desk. "Worshipping. I don't know how, but I have a pretty fairly good idea these creatures are using their bodies to lure humans into their damn hands, especially the recently prepubescent." I told him and he raised an eyebrow, allowing me to continue further.

"What I'm saying is that these creatures are using sexual-inducing methods to lure in humans, most especially males. They're spreading their toxicity into our everyday electronics and media. Such as...uh, what do you call those websites? The ones about those people who love dressing up as furries?" I asked him.

"E621?" He asked me and I shook my head, "Rule 34?" He asked me again and I shook my head once again. "FurAffinity?" I asked him and I slammed my hand onto my desk, startling him. "Yes! That one! You see, humans are too prideful and belligerent, I can't allow them to continue relying on these creatures as if they're our last hope. Instead of treating these creatures as equal species, we should be using them as weapons instead. Think about it, with them under our palms, we can bring peace between all countries, and all we would need is to use some...enforcement in places they are required. With their powers and my machines, our militaries will become unstoppable, but bring good to other countries and unite all as one, all we need is the right kind of weapon to enforce peace between all. But first? First, we have to create a message. We need to wipe out some of the more dangerous species of Pokemon and save the least dangerous for last. My methods may seem...genocidal, but I assure you it is merely for the safety of our species." I explained.

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