Chapter 7: Let's Get To Your Training

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???'s POV

I descended into my secret laboratory and As I walked in, I was greeted by my henchmen typing something into the supercomputer. "How's the delivery coming along?" I asked them. "It's coming sir, but--" "When will it be here?" I asked him, crossing my arms as I turned around and saw the scared Pokemon rattling in their aerodynamic cages.

"About that sir..." He paused while I walked up to the cages and teased a Houndoom by tapping on its glass. It growled and jumped at the cage and tried clawing at it, but I showed no reaction. Just disappointment.

"It will be here in a week..." He said and I quickly stood up and threw my mug of coffee down onto the ground. "What?!" I shouted, walking over to the computer and slamming my hands down on the keyboard. "In a week?! What in god's name did I pay for? I specifically said I wanted it here the next few days!" I shouted. "We understand sir but Russia is going through a bit of trouble right now. What with Russia and Ukraine--" I stopped him, already hearing enough.

"Ugh, Jesus fucking christ. Fine. We'll make it a week then, but by then I better expect my delivery to be made quickly. I don't want any screw-ups or I swear to god I'm gonna go ballistic. I didn't pay that fucker Zinon 500'000'000$ for nothing. I better expect to have my money worth's or I swear to god, I'll find someone else to get me what I want." I groaned.

"Also, did you see today's newspaper?" I asked them, tossing one of them the newspaper I had holding under my armpit. The henchmen grabbed it and opened it. "Woah! They can do that now?" He asked and I snatched it out of his hands, opening it up to show them both.

"The government made it okay for Pokemon to legally adopt human children now! Now, while this is a super nice thing to be held, children should be raised by appropriately capable parents, not be raised by creatures who will surely leave them once they enslave the rest of humanity." I said, throwing the newspaper on the ground, stepping on it. "Uh, sir?" One of my henchmen tried to speak but I left the laboratory in a haste, not wanting to hear anything else. All that does matter is getting these fucking things out of this world as soon as possible.

Henchmen's POV

"Uh, should we tell him?" One of them asked the other, "Yeah. Because of that new law, the rate of orphan children has been reduced rapidly, now there's like only 10% of children in orphanages, and the percentage is now only decreasing further with more children being adopted by Pokemon. Hell, they even said that the most adopted children are being adopted by Pokemon than human parents. I guess Pokemon did a good thing by helping with that problem. Though, I don't think that would matter to him." The other henchmen sighed.

"Hey, aren't you more worried about his prototype?" One of them asked, staring at a large glass window, and in the room, there was something metallic hiding in the darkness. "Yeah, what if that thing turns rogue and kills not only the Pokemon but humans too? I'm starting to think he's making a mistake himself."

"Yeah. I wish Dr.Byschoppeson didn't leave Fountainhead City. He would make this city a better place for both people and Pokemon." The other henchmen replied. "Yeah. Too bad 1273 Rockefeller City took him from us. Now we're stuck with this asswipe." The other henchmen chuckled. "Yeah. What's his problem with Pokemon anyway?" The other henchmen asked him, "No fucking clue. I don't even fucking care. I'm only here to get paid. That's that."


Celeste and I were sitting in the living room with her parents, we were talking about how and why we fell for each other. It was honestly a little embarrassing to say, but, I didn't want to just up and say that I was a bullied victim who had faced their daughter's torment more times than I could count. With how exceptional they were speaking about their daughter, I knew right off the bat that they weren't aware of what Celeste does to the students down at Fountainhead High so I made up some story about how we met.

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