So how'd that happen?- Chapter 6

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"Well....Ruby's my mate." I froze. What? She's a dog. Not a wolf. Right?

"I'll explain later. You need to get back into human form." Kevin stated as he stood up.


"Okay. Close your eyes." I stared at him. Not obeying his order. How am I suppose to know what he's gonna do. He hasn't taught me to read his thoughts yet.

"Trust me." I sighed and rolled my eyes but closed them all the same.

"Okay. Think of being human and dont lose your focus. Clear your head. Think of what it feels like to have two legs and arms. Keep your body in mind. And then..." I did as I was told. I keeped thinking what its like when im in my human form and kept my body in mind. All of sudden I felt a cool breeze and I opened my eyes. I looked down and saw I was in my human form. And i was stark naked. Kevin handed me my clothes not looking at me as I didn't looked at him.

I snatched them and walked behind the big tree. The clothes Kevin got me were a maching red lace bra and underwear, a black undershirt, my favorite flowered button up blouse and a pair of black high-waist shorts with my black convers and black short ankle socks. I put my underwear and bra on. Then my shorts and undershirt.

I tucked my undershirt under the high-waist shorts and grabbed the blouse and put it on. I buttoned it up and left the three top buttons open and tucked the front in under the shorts as well and left the back and sides free to flow. I put on the socks and convers and looked over myself. Hm. I like. This is one of the benifits of having a twin werewolf brother who can read your thoughts.

"It is isnt it?" Said Kevin walking around the tree, most likely sensing that I was dressed.

"Okay. Seriously that's so not fair, Kevin. How come you can read my thoughts constantly and I cant read yours?"

"Cause Uncle Daren taught me." I rolled my eyes as I sighed in frustration. And walked passed him. Kevin's so mean. It's really not that hard to just answer a simple question. But no he always has to be so arrogant.

"I do not." I jumped and twirled around to find Kevin standing right behind me. Uhgg. This twin thing is really getting annoying.

"Teach me."

"Teach you what?"

"You know exactly what I want you to teach me." Kevin just plastered on his signature smirked.

"Do I?" I rolled my eyes and sighed in frustration again. I turned around and walked off torwards the house. I felt a hand on my arm and was twirled around and suddenly put into an embrace. I was confused at first but then reconized the scent. Huh. So even in human form its still pretty strong.

I felt something inside me in the pit of my stomach while I was in Kevins embrace. He's a little taller than I am. So his head rested on mine. But that wasn't it. It was like, somewhat pained...and...amusement? Than I instantly remebered when Kevin told me we can feel each others emotions. He's upset with himself again. He's upset for making me upset about not being able to read his thougts and being a jackass about teaching me. I hugged him back.

"I'll teach you." I laughed and smiled. He pulled away from me and smiled. His eyes were a light blue- green. That's weird. He must still be upset with himself and happy that not that I'm not that upset anymore. Hey, I think I'm starting to get the hang of this feeling emotion thing.

"Yes. You are. A little faster than I did actually." We both smiled at each other and started up the path that lead to the house. I felt my eyes change back to normal. I forget what or why they'd been a different color for so long. That's not a bad thing, right?

"So how did you find your mate at 9 years old?" I asked Kevin as we walked into the back door.

"Well, my wolf came out when we were eight. Right after I found out about the accident, actually." Kevin looked at me worridly. I can feel him sensing my pain and fear once he mentioned the accident. I sat down on the sofa and he sat down beside me. He looked at me again. I could tell he felt it. He doesn't know if he should continue or not.

"Im fine." I said trying to hold back tears. I know it was years ago but everytime someone mentions it it just all comes back like a wrecking ball hitting a building and all of the details, feelings, words, movements, cries, fears, heat, and the explosion all come back tumbling down on me. And then I slowly recover and start building the useless brick wall again. He scooted closer to me and put his arm around my shoulders. I leaned into him and laid my head on his shoulder and I felt him kiss the top of my head and rested my head on mine.

"Well. After...that. I went one a rampage. I was so confused and scared. I couldn't help but think you were dead. After a while, hours, I calmed down and Uncle Daren found me. He's a werewolf too. He helped me get back into human form and took me to the hospital." He pause and brought me closer to him, tucking me into his side and started rubbing my shoulder, comfortably.

"Once I got there. Mom was there, her eyes were bloodshot and she was screaming at the doctors. She was out of control the doctors had to call security to get her out. After that I ran up to your room. And you were just lieing there with toobs and needle everywhere. Your arm and leg were in a cast and thats when I smelled that scent and felt what and how you felt. Everything played back in my mind from what happened and I could your voice and every one of your thoughts. It was as if I was there but watching in your eyes. After you got out of the hospital Uncle Daren told me to take you to the foster home and that he'd come back for us. So I did. We were there for a while so your healed up by the time Uncle Daren came back. But the week before he came for us. You were old self again. I could feel it. I think you did your best to push everything in the back of your head. You ended up dragging me to the woods and brought me to Ruby. Once I saw her and looked her in the eyes, I felt this pull between us and thats when somehow I knew she was my mate. Apart from hearing my wolf growling and repeating the words, "Mine" and "Mate" I had no idea what it meant so I talked to Uncle Daren and he said there was sometimes a thing called a 'early mate by chance' and elaborated about a mate."

Huh. Thats interesting. But doesnt that only work with two werewolves? Right when I was about to ask him, a girl around my age walked down the sprial stair case. She's beutiful! Her hair extends into long wavy red locks. She was wearing a white dress that went just above her knees.

A black ribbon wrapped around her waist and made a little tiny bow on the right side of her waist. Her skin looked as soft as a babys bottom.
,white as snow. Her face was beyond perfect. Her eyes were a deep caribiean blue. What the actual fuck? How hell is that even possible!?

Kevin smirked and chuckled sexily as his eyes change to a soft grey with green flakes in them and just stared at her. He must have heard my comment. Her black and white two inch heels tapped on the marble floor as she walked over to the sofa and looked at us and spoke.

"I geuss this is my cue?"

Melanie- The Full Moon (ON HOLD)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя