Pillow Fights & Kisses -Chapter 15

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"Can I ask you something?" I asked as I walked over to the edge of the bed and sat down. Charrolate smiled and walked over to the side of the bed by me and sat down, "Melanie. Sure. What is it?" I didn't know any other way to ask the questions that have been bothering me and jumping around in my head for a while. I mean I should know these things from the books cause so far nothings really been wrong. But, better make sure than.... Not, right? So before I could control my tounge I took a deep breath and the questions came out like word vomit,

"What is mating? Why is it such a big deal? What does Damien and Uncel Daren mean about "of age"? Why does Damien keep mentioning about marking me? What is mating? What is heat? Why is this happening to me? I'm so confused." I sighed and threw myself back on the bed. Charrolate giggled and laid down next me, "Oh, honey. I understand how you're feeling. You know what's happening but then you don't. You do know you asked me about mating twice, right?"

"Yes?" She giggled , "I'll answer that question first then. Mating is when you and your mate complete the bond. This also goes with your questions about being of age. Well, once you find your mate your wolves will connect before you do, making the bond two times more intense. But your wolves can't do that until they and you have reached a certain age, which is 17. Like how around two years old you start to talk, run and interact more with others. It's the same way with your wolf. The mating bond is a special connection that is there way before you're even born. Now they're just tiny soft tingles, but they'll intenify gradually once both of your wolves become of age. You're both 16 at the moment. Which means Damiens birthday is on the 27th of October, just three days from today. He'll feel them intensify but you won't until the 6th of November, got it so far?"

I nod, this is easy to understand but a lot to take in. Charrolate moves behind me and starts playing with my hair, I close my eyes. I love when people play with my hair, it just feels so good, so calming.

"Mating is when you and your mate make love but it has meaning and purpose. As I said before, mating is part of the mating cycle, that completes the bond once both are of age... Most of the time. Once you mate, your souls and hearts connect. You're one. You can feel each others, feelings, presence, thoughts, everything. You can feel them. Also, once you mate, a mind link between the two is created and they can contact each other from miles away." Charrolate stops playing with my hair and I felt cold. What? My mom would play with my hair when she wasn't physco, it made me feel warm, loved, and wanted. Charrolate scoots to the side of me so I could see her properly. She moves her thick, long red waves over to the side of her shoulder and points to two dots on her neck, just about her collar bone with some kind of blue swirly design.

"This is Kevins mark. Since you guys are twins your marks for your mates will look similar. It's best to mark your mate shortly after you find them, in order to keep the other wolves away and know that they are yours and you are theirs. So, from what you've mentioned and the way you mentioned it. Damien wants to mark you very soon?" I groaned.

"So, we bite each other? That's so weird." Charrolate laughs and shrugged. "I thought so too, but it's the way nature has it."

"So?...." Charrolate asks me as she scoots closer to me. I give her a confused look. "So, what?"

"Don't act like you don't know what I'm talking about. How good of a kisser is he!?" She was so enthusiastic and interested and random, I couldn't help but burst into laughter.

"Why are you laughing at me!? I'm serious!" I shook my head and kept laughing.

"What kind of question is that!?" She glares at me playfully, "A pretty damn serious one." I giggle and stopped to think about the kiss. "Well..."

"Oh, girl. I already know he's pretty fucking amazing just by the look on your face. Say no more, say no more." She sighs and rests her chin in her palm and looks up at the ceiling dreamingly. "Only if your brother was that good..." I grimace and chuck a pillow at her,

"Eww! That's my brother! So not okay!"

"What!? It wouldn't hurt him to learn a little more tricks in bed!"

"Charrolate! Ew, Gross!" I scream and throw another pillow at her. She gives me a death glare but fails from laughing so hard. "Oh, it's so on." I squeal when she lunges at me. We run around the room, throwing pillows at each other and taking turns jumping ontop of each other, with small rounds of tickle fights here and there. I've never had so much fun. I love Charrolate, I'm miss Ruby, but I think I'd prefer Charrolate.

"What is going on?" Charrolate was tickling me and wouldn't stop. I move my head to see Damien and Kevin standing in the doorway of the bedroom with huge smiles on there faces.

"Guys! Help me!" I grab a pillow and throw it at them. Kevin chuckles and walks over to Charrolate and picks her up. I sigh heavily and lay there to catch my breath.

"Finally!" Charrolate giggles and rolls her eyes, "Oh, stop. It was fun."

"For you maybe. For me it gets boring after a while." I reply as I sit up. I feel hands on my waist and am lifted. The soft tiny tingles that shot through me told me it was Damien. I sigh in content and lean into him with my eyes closed. He kisses my forehead and walks us over to the bed. I cuddle up closer to him on his lap.

"You guys play dirty." I open my eyes and move to look over at my dear twin brother.

"She started it!" I blame Charrolate and point at her as I narrow my eyes. She gasp and puts her hand on her heart, acting hurt. "Did not. I was innocently talking about my mate and you kept throwing pillows at me."

"He's my brother and what you were "innocently" talking about was not so innocent."

"You were talking about me?" Kevin asks Charrolate. I give her the don't-you-dare-mention-that-again look. She smiks and looks over at Damien. "We were talking about kissing."

"Kissing?" Both Damien and Kevin say at the same time, giving us weird looks. By this point I'm too embarrassed and I hide myself in Damiens jacket. "Damiens kisses to be exact." Oh, my, gosh. I can't believe her! This is so embarrassing! What happened to girls talk stays girls talk? Damien rests his hand on my upper back while his other arm is wrapped around my waist.

"Em, babe. You like my kisses?" I can't answer that kind of question. So, I just cuddled closer to him and hum. He moves my hair behind my ear and plants a little kiss on my temple. "My kisses are only for you, baby girl." I smile and giggle. He is too sweet. These names he calls me make me feel so special. I move my head and kiss him, a lingering, sweet and tender kiss. I pull away and lean my forehead against his with a mischievous smile on my face, "Do you like my kisses?" He stares lovingly and dazed into my eyes and sighs, "You blow me away." I giggle, "C'om here." He moves me so I'm straddling him and claims my lips. I'd have to say I do love kissing him. I like the fact that he can't get enough of me.

"Get a room." I pulls away with a smirk and glare at Kevin. "Oh, like you're any better."

"You're my sister making out with my best friend in my room, on my bed! So, yes I am better, thank you very much." I roll my eyes, "We're all relatives here in some way."I mumble and climb of off Damien," Come on!" I urge him on, as I pull him towards my room by the hand.


   I'm writing a new story! It's called "Dreams... Don't come true." Its not a werewolf though. Sorry! I know, I know! But it really would mean a lot if you guys took a look at it. I've  updated and published the first chapter and am working on the second at this moment. I'm waiting until I get chapter six at least started before I start publishing the next chapters so you guys won't be waiting so long. So go check that out! Thanks! M'kay, bye for now!

Melanie- The Full Moon (ON HOLD)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя