Eight: A Deal With The Devil

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To say Eurydice was enjoying her break would be an understatement. Every morning she woke up in a bed that was the softest thing she'd ever slept in. Persephone made her coffee, but Hades was keeping them from talking to each other in any way other than sticky notes. Eurydice smiled as the coffee brought warmness down her throat, she doesn't know the next time she'll get to drink coffee, so every morning she enjoys it. She looks at the sticky note. "Orphea is OKAY! She'll have an audience with Hades this evening. Put a dress for you on my bed!"

Eurydice smiles and throws the note away. A light yellow dress is sitting on the bed. There's a silver headband, necklace, and earrings. The white gloves look brand new, and the pantyhose are a few shades too dark for Eurydice. There's a pair of black Mary Janes and a white shawl.

Eurydice doesn't want to wear it, but she needs to make a good impression. "Later," She tells herself, "I can just be right now."

"Husband," Persephone says sitting next to Hades. Her black dress is longer than most she wears. Her hair is in a bun and she looks more like a wife than a flapper. This makes Hades happy but he wouldn't dare say anything.

"Wife," Hades manages. Persephone looks disgusted at him and won't dare look him in the eyes. Persephone has a flash of memory. When they were younger, when they danced. Before the war, before Hadestown, before everything.

Persephone smiles and asks him, "What are you afraid of?" Hades is shocked but doesn't say anything. "She's just a girl in love!"

"Wife, have a drink, why don't you?" Hades says snapping his fingers.

A worker starts pouring wine and Persephone feels sick to her stomach. "No, I've had enough," She says, raising her hand. She turns to Hades. "She loves that girl, Hades."

Hades shows no mercy. "Well that's too bad," He says with sick fake sweetness in his voice.

Persephone blushes like a girl. "She has the kind of love for Eurydice that you and I once had."

Hades shouts, "She means nothing to me!"

Persephone takes in a deep breath. "I know that, but she means everything to Orphea."

Hades snorts. So Persephone asks straight out.

"Let her go. Hades you're my husband, my light, and my darkness," Persephone says grabbing his hand, "I've heard her sing Hades! He has so much sorrow and it just burns like a fire in the pit of his chest."

Persephone makes him look at her. "How long will this go on?"

Hades smirks as if he's waited his whole life to answer that question. "How long?
Just as long as I'm king. You know nothing comes of wishing on stars, and nothing comes of the songs people sing. Give them a piece they'll take it all! Show them a crack they'll tear down the wall! Do you want our home to fall?"

"God, you're an idiot! Orphea doesn't care for the logic of you or your stupid laws. It is only for love that she sings, you know what it's like to love a girl," Persephone begs.

Hades laughs coldly, "You and your pity don't fit in my bed! You just burn like a fire. How long are you going to be like this?"

"Just as long as I am your wife," Persephone snaps, but she immediately softens, "It's true the earth must die, but then the earth comes back to life
and the sun must go on rising."

Hades sighs. "Send her in," He said, "Both of them."

Orphea gasped at the sight of Eurydice. She didn't look like herself, the clothes were obviously Persephone's, but they fit her well.

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