Part 1

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In a forest, in the early morning hours, there was a clearing with people in dark black cloaks all standing around a large red circle with intricate and complect designs. But, unfortunately, those designs weren't some art but a magic spell. A summoning spell, to be exact. On one side of the spell was a woman with her hood down and a crown perched upon her brow. On the other side, however, was a girl with long blue locks falling on her shoulders, back, and face. The girl was asleep and tied to a wood pentacle frame, wearing nothing but her bra and underwear.

The people around the circle started to chant, and the girl awoke frightened, staring at their mother's face across from her.

"Mother... What is happening? Mother," the girl screamed, but no one lesioned, or at least no one stopped at the girl's terrified pleas.

The girl continued to yell as loud as she could, desperate for answers. As the girl cried, the people continued to chant, the circle starting to glow almost purple, including the pentacle frame the girl's limbs were bound to.

"I call upon Hade's firstborn; I give you my firstborn in exchange. Come forth, come forth...." The girl's mother continued to chant.

Soon the purple light had almost filled the clearing until the light stopped.

The girl's pov

And now, instead of my mother standing directly before me, I saw a woman with large purple and blueish wings protruding from her back, long flowing purple hair with light blue highlights, and a long black leather coat.

"Hades first born, I have summand you and given you a gift; now give me the power I want!" I could hear my mother yell from the other side of the woman.

"You...." the woman growled out, hands starting to light on fire, hot blue flames glowing in her fist, only barely seeable around her wings, "You did not summon me. You did not give anything up. She summoned me and will get the power of this spell, not you. If you and your lackeys don't leave immediately, I will send you to my father faster than my uncle Thanatos!" Her voice boomed through the clearing, probably father.

I watched as they all ran away and left me with this woman. Though not that I would want to go back with my mother, she did try and sacrifice me to the goddess in front of me. I watched the woman take deep breaths before letting the fire in her hands dissipate and running one of them through her hair. Then, after another deep breath, she turned around.

She wore a beautiful violet crop top, high-waisted jeans, and combat boots. Seeing her face and eyes glued to mine, I was again reminded of my lack of clothes.

Then the woman with large wings approaches me, still not breaking eye contact. Her eyes practically glowed with how bright green they were. I move my face to look away from her, intimidated and scared by her, especially since I'm still tied to this thing in nothing but my undergarments.

"Don't worry; I won't hurt you, Princess." the woman spoke softly, almost like an entirely new voice from the one before. I could then feel her hands on my left wrist.

"Wa...what are you, you doing?" I stuttered out as I felt heat around my wrist.

"I am freeing you from your binding" As she said that, I felt the rope snap, and she mumbled something before planting a soft kiss on my wrist where the rope had been, seemingly healing the growing rope burns from my struggle.

When she let go of my arm, I looked back and forward and tried to cover as much of my body as possible. I watched as she closed her eyes and squatted down to my foot, and opened her eyes, not once looking up at me.

My left leg felt warmer, just like my arm, till the rope snapped, and she mumbled something under her breath before kissing my ankle like she did my wrist. Then, not looking up at me, she grabbed my other leg and repeated the prosses. Again, it felt warm, she mumbled and softly kissed my leg. It felt almost as though she was apologizing for my getting hurt.

Then I watched her close her eyes again and stand up before stepping to the side to grab my other wrist, the last thing still tied to this thing, keeping me in place. She gently repeated her actions, leaving a soft kiss on my wrist before catching me slightly as I lost my balance, having no longer been tied to that thing.

She then once again closed her eyes before turning around. I watched her movements, unsure of what to do. Finally, she moved her purple hair to the side, revealing an undercut. She grabbed the fabric under her neck and unbuttoned something before sliding the coat off her.

She folded her wings on her back after taking off her coat. "Here, You can put this on if you would like." She offered the jacket, still not turning around to look at me.

I quickly grabbed and put on the garment, not wanting to be this exposed to someone I had never met in the middle of a forest.

"Whenever you are done putting it on, just tell me, and I will turn around." I was confused by her statement; she wouldn't care about how I felt about being seen like this, would she? None of the others had.

I finished the last button on the coat. "OK... I'm... I'm done." I stutter and mumble as the woman turns to me.

"OK, do you have any place to go?" Standing beside me, she asked, now pleasantly rubbing my arm up and down to calm me.

I looked down, shaking my head no.

"OK, I'll take you home with me. OK, I will transform, and you'll get on my back after." I nodded, too confused and shocked at all the morning events to ask what she meant by transform. That is, at least until I saw her take a couple of steps away from me and turn into a dragon. She laid down on the grass, gently nudging me to get on with her head. So I did, still confused, as she took off.

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