Part 18

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Jay was sitting across from me in my office, trying to help me plan what to do for the list.

"Man, this is a long list," Jay commented that most contracts ask for just one thing, not 14. 

"Yeah, now are you going to help me plan this out or what?" I asked him sassily, making him laugh.

"Yeah, but shouldn't you do this part with Evie? Doesn't it have to be based on her definition of the terms?" Jay asked me, sitting up straighter, throwing around a ball in the air.

"Yes, but I want to have some framework for her; she seemed pretty shaken by it all," I answered him, looking back down at my notes signing. I didn't know how I would do it all, but at least I had my life to figure it out.

"Well, of course, she's shaken; she wanted none of this and got all of it with a big plate of trauma on the side." Jay replied, looking up as he caught the ball, "But that's a good idea. What's first." Jay asked.

"We have protection, housing, respect, and health. We are working on peace of mind with her in therapy. But I don't know about money, power, beauty, increased intelligence, completing all her ambitions, giving her everything she had before, avenging all her enemies, marriage to an heir, and we are soul-bound." I rattled off to him, writing down my notes, becoming increasingly discouraged by the paper. 

"Well, was it money or fortune?" Jay asked me, looking up at the ceiling.

"I'm not sure I can ask for the exact wording. Why?" I asked him, confused.

"Well, money is only a form of currency, while fortune can be money, luck, or good tidings. So, good things happening to her could be enough, depending on the wording," Jay answered. It made sense, so I noted that and planned to ask Hekate about it. 

"Than power is also versatile; she already has more power in herself, just by her freedom and the job she runs. But you also said Hekate is teaching her magic; that's also power. So I would say you're good at those, but I could be wrong." Jay added the second one. Luckily, he is good at seeing things in multiple ways.

"No, that makes sense," I said, wringing down his words.

"And I don't know about you, but that girl is stunning and doesn't need you for beauty. But, frankly, you could be getting tips from her."  Jay said, and I couldn't help but agree she was gorgeous.

"Agreed, I'm not worrying about that one too much," I told him truthfully. 

"Ok, so what is next?" Jay asked, looking back at me.

"Increased intelligence, I guess," I answered, trying to understand what that meant. I didn't know how I was giving her more intelligence.

"Well, that's easy. You give her all-day access to the library, and she is constantly reading and getting smarter," Jay answered, giving me the "it's the obvious answer" tone.

"You think it's that simple," I asked him, surprised at the simplicity of his answer.

"Depends on what Evie defines it as, but yeah." He answered, shrugging at me. He had always thought in a completely different way than I did, and it's been so helpful. It solved a lot of problems I couldn't understand.

"Well, in that case, I think I have completed all her ambitions since she is the royal seamstress, which was her biggest dream. And I guess we are making headway on revenge on all her enemies with the court cases. But I don't know how I will give her everything she had before." I tell him, making notes as I do.

"Well, she may not want everything she had before. I mean, I didn't want anything back from my dad. Maybe ask what she wants restored to her and do as much of that as you can." Jay suggested somberly, thinking back to the tower. It was hard for him to lead the charge on so many of these heavy assignments.

"Yeah, that's a good plan," I wrote in my notes, "Ok, marry a handsome heir. So what am I supposed to do with that, set her up on blind dates with all the heirs of Auradon?" 

"Well, all the royals and their kids come to Fairy Day; you could just introduce her to them all and let her decide what she wants," Jay suggested. I nodded, writing that down. It seems like the best plan for that one. I don't know what I would do otherwise.

"And that leaves the soul-bound thing. It draws us to each other during distress and makes it so we can't be a certain distance from each other, and she will live as long as I do. And who knows what else?" I told him, putting my head in my left hand. Trying to figure that out was getting more and more overwhelming.

"Well, the only thing I can think of is to teach her self-defense so that even if she is with you all the time, you don't have to worry about her safety all the time. And I would test how far you can go from the other so that you are both aware of that distance." Jay told me, looking serious.

"I agree," I said, making more notes. 

Suddenly, we both got a ding on our phones, telling us it was time for dinner. 

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