Part 1

478 13 2

Lia P.O.V

"Okay class, so that's it for today. Please remember you have a test tomorrow, please study, a lot of you can't afford to fail this test, okay? Pack your things and you can go. See you tomorrow." Ms Hirai announced as she slapped the marker on the desk to get the class' attention. Biology class was never fun, no, not because of the subject itself but because our teacher didn't know how to teach. Her words would enter one ear and exit through the other. I gathered my stuff and made my out of the class. Enough school for one day.

"Yahh! Yeji!" My voice echoed across the hall to reach my best friend, Hwang Yeji. Yeji's what you would call a weird person. She'd give her life to you but would also not hesitate to take it. If you messed with her, then I'd feel bad for you, really bad. "Lia-yah!" Yeji bellowed as she came running to me. Her voice only grew louder as she jumped on to me for a tight hug.

"C'mon Yej. I told you not to hug me so tightly!" I said as I pushed her away from me, gently.
"Hmm, I know! But you can't blame me, you're so huggable Jisu-yah!"
"Whatever then, I can go home late today, what do you want to do?"
"First let's get out of this place." She said as she pulled me out of the school building.

I have to say, it always felt good getting out of that place, school was just so restricted and boring. With the toxic environment and robotic teachers, there's no doubt why kids dread it every morning. I generally like learning but not in a way that spoon feeds you information. Anyway, I'm still passing while being at the top of my grade, I don't mind too much.

"So how about some cheesecake?" Yeji suggested as she let go go my hand.
"Mh, cheesecake and hot chocolate sounds good, especially now. Why is it so cold." I replied as I rubbed my arms as an attempt to keep myself warm.
"Hey, how about this place? We haven't been here before." She said as she pulled out a picture of a small, local coffee shop on her phone. Yeji knew every corner of the city. She could probably draw at a whole map of the place with her eyes closed.
"Yah, I don't mind anything. Let's go there."
"Perfect! I've heard their cakes are to die for. Let's find out if that's true."

She led the way across the chilly streets of Seoul. Every step I took made me regret taking a warmer and thicker jacket. Plus, by the looks of it, it looked as if it was going to rain in a few hours; I didn't have any umbrella. The coffee shop was only a ten minute walk away from school, so it took us no time to get there.

"Looks cute on the outside!" Yeji said with a big smile.
"Hm! Looks quite nice actually! Nice find Yej." I answered as I nudged her.

The insides of the shop was also quite cozy. It followed a more natural interior with fake plants here and there. For a small, new shop, it was quite popular. Lots of seats were already taken but luckily there was one in the corner with two seats. We sat down and scanned the menu for our desired orders.

"Found it! Cheesecake." Yeji exclaimed. "So what's our order then?"
"Okay, so I'll take one hot chocolate and one cheesecake. You?"
"I'll take, ahh, oh actually a tiramisu and a cappuccino. That sounds good. I'll go order."

As she stood up to place our order, her bag started ringing. It was her phone. She glanced at who was calling, it was her mother.

"Ahh, Lia-yah, I have to take this. Can you order?"
"Sure, sure, go talk to your mother."

Now I stood up and made my way to the order station. Luckily, the line at the station had cleared a bit. I don't do too well with crowds or many people in one place. I stood patiently and continued to examine the café. It was a nice looking place, indeed. The line proceeded to my turn. I was greeted by a lady. But no, not just any lady. She was an extremely attractive girl who had short blue hair and looked stunning in her work uniform, which was just black pants and a white shirt with rolled up sleeves.

"Hi miss, what would you like to order?" She gave a sweet smile which made my checks warm up a bit. I took a second to get myself together.
"Hi, I would like a hot chocolate, a cappuccino, a tiramisu and a cheesecake please!" I answered trying to give the same smile back.
"Certainly, one minute." She pressed some buttons on her monitor to add the order up. She then started getting the order tray ready.

"Pretty cold day today, perfect for a hot chocolate." She continued with the same smile.
"Yeah, it just keeps getting colder." I chuckled.
"Okay! I'll drop your order off at your table in a few minutes. The cappuccino will take a bit of time to make, miss - oh sorry what's your name."
"My name is Lia, yes, that'll be fine miss... Ryujin?" I said as I took a look at her name tag. She gave an even brighter smile after hearing her name.

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