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Walking into the nearly empty strip club, I nodded at the janitor as he swept the floor.

I had been dodging Caresha's texts all day, not intentionally for the most part, but I wasn't in the mood to talk to her earlier because I knew I was going to end up saying something that I shouldn't. With a somewhat clear mind, I decided to pop up on her to talk shit out face to face.

"Oooh, girl! Yo sexy white chocolate husband is here." Santana exclaimed as he laid eyes on me.

"Who?" Caresha looked up from her clipboard and locked eyes with me, "That's not even my man, Santana." my nose flared as those words left her mouth.

I was never about no cat and mouse games when it came to the women I dealt with. It was either you with it, or you not. I gave Caresha a little more leeway than I usually did with bitches considering how we became acquainted.

I yawned as I crossed the road to where my car was parked. I was tired from a long day of checking in on my brothers and I's businesses. It was my week to do so, and it had me running all over the city. Though I was in dire need of sleep, I remained on high alert. It was close to midnight, and it was the perfect opportunity for someone to catch me slipping. If they tried it, though, they were meeting their sky daddy.

Fiddling with the remote on my keys, I went to open the driver's door, but the sounds of a struggle made me halt my movements. Listening closely, I wanted to make sure my tired brain wasn't playing tricks on me. Once again, I heard struggling, but this time, the sounds of a woman became clearer.

My body began to heat up, and In a split moment, a forced, cloudy memory where a struggle sounding similar to the one I was hearing appeared in my head. I soon found myself running in the direction of the commotion, which was an alleyway between two construction sites.

In the alleyway, some man was attempting to assault a young lady. As I neared them, I caught both of their attention.

"Please, please, help me!" she cried as she fought off her attacker.

Looking back at me, the man snarled at me, "This doesn't concern you, boy."

Without hesitation, I pulled my 9 from my waist, and put it to his temple, "Wh-" I pulled the trigger before he had the chance to get a word out.

I watched as his body became limp and collapsed face-first beside her. I refocused my attention on the woman who looked like she could be around my age.

The scream she initially set out to unleash paused prematurely as the shock of what I'd just done set it in.

As I helped her to her feet, I noticed that her leggings and t-shirt were ripped.

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