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After driving around for the better part of the night, I found myself walking through the Pink Palace at my usual time, 2:30 AM. I made my way to Kaia's office. We hadn't spoken since we had that blowout in her office two nights ago. I wanted to give her some space to cool down before I tried to fix shit with her.

I wanted to come through and apologize to her face to face because I should've seen through that sheisty shit that Cinnamon was on the other night. Caresha was a name that I was familiar with, but I don't always pay the closest attention when Kai is talking about her friends. Also, with my mind being all over the place, and knowing she was a lesbian, I thought the worst of her.

Reaching for the door handle and slightly opening it, I heard a throat being cleared, "I've been seeing you sneak yo yellow ass in and out of my boss's office for damn near 2 months now, ain't nothing that damn important in the world that needs to be done at 3 AM." turning on my heels, I was met with two individuals. A short brown-skinned girl and a man whose dress was clearly two sizes too small.

I'm certain these were the two people Kaia ran the club with.

Lightly clearing my throat, I quickly gazed at my watch, "We working together on—"

"Ehhhhh!" The girl held her hand up and made the noise of a buzzard. "Tell that lie to somebody who's dumb enough to only legs are open at the devil's hour."

I shook my head to keep myself from laughing. "Listen lil' mama, I'm here about business and business only."

"Bitch, leave that nigga alone! Nobody says shit when Chance comes in here searching for yo' bobblehead ass."

"That's his brother bitch!"

"And? Why don't you want him to know his brother's piping you from here to Tallahassee every night?"

By then, I had completely blocked out the argument they were having as I zoned in on the conversation that was happening on the other side of Kaia's door.

"I enjoyed last night with you." My head jerked back and tilted to the side.

"I had fun also," Kai said in a flat tone. I grabbed the doorknob and opened the door. Neither one of them even noticed that I was now standing in the room.

"We should do that more often." The woman spoke, caressing Kai's arm.

I cleared my throat as they both turned around quickly. My eyes connected with Kai's instantly. I watched as her lips parted. She was caught off guard by my presence, her ass was caught red-handed.

She did exactly what I told her not to do. Give my pussy away.

"What do we have here?" I smirked.

She rolled her eyes and crossed her arms over her chest. My eyes ran down her pretty ass face, to her thick ass body making me lick my lips unintentionally at her attire.

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