Christmas Chapter 🎄

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Pulling up to my parents' house, I noticed fewer cars parked around their residence than usual. "Where everybody at?" I mumbled to myself as I hopped out of my car.

I was usually the one who was late to the family gatherings, so I was a bit confused.

I looked at my phone and saw Kai still hadn't responded to my message earlier asking what she was doing that day. I sent her a Merry Christmas text earlier this morning, which she only liked. We got into some bullshit argument yesterday, and she's been acting petty ever since.

If my grandma ain't have me running around the city all day, I would've been pulled up on that girl to see what the problem was, but that had to wait until later tonight.

Walking through the doors of my parents' house, I was greeted by all of my sisters in the den. Kat was retelling the story of the time she beat up Dave's last girlfriend on Christmas Day because he broke his sobriety.

"Because bitch you got my brother drinking again? She couldn't even get her pinky toe through the door good enough before I was on her ass!" Shanell and Chantel snickered as Kat re-enacted how she beat that girl up.

"Sage, hi my baby! Merry Christmas!" My mom said, and she kissed all over my face.

I smiled before placing a kiss on her forehead. "Merry Christmas, mama. Where's everyone at?" I questioned.

"Well, your uncles and their wives are on their way, and you just missed your brothers. Oh! And your daddy back there on that damn grill again making wings. I swear he loves that grill more than he loves me." She rolled her eyes before taking a sip of her champagne flute.

"What'chu you mean I just missed my brothers?" I frowned.

"I guess Kellie's sister is having a little dinner, so she and Dave went over there, and Chance decided to tag his lil' bright behind right along with 'em. It's the first time the girls spent the holiday together in a while, so I think it's cute! They said they'd be back later tonight.

My blood was fuckin' boiling as I listened to my mama talk. That shit was going through one ear and out of the other after hearing that Kai's ass decided to have a Christmas dinner and didn't even think to invite me.

She really knew how to take shit too fucking far. She don't gotta worry about it, though. I was already plotting my escape from here to pull up on her. "Oh, that's cool, I guess." I took a seat next to my mom, who rubbed my back.

I sighed deeply as I listened to my sisters exchange memories and shit. My mind was racing a mile a minute as I thought about the current shit Kai and I was going through. I didn't know why this girl wanted to fight me tooth and nail on every fuckin' thing.

She loved to piss me off and get mad over the littlest shit. The shit was fuckin' blowing me, pissing me off even more as I sat here thinking about her crazy ass.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2023 ⏰

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