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"Little Miss Plan B Popper," I murmured as I guzzled the last bit of the water from my glass and placed it in the sink.

I was once again tasked with making sure nothing permanent came from one of Sage and my many sexual rendezvous.

It was low-key a waste of a pill after the shit he'd pulled in my office, but better safe than somebody's mammy.

My phone vibrated in my hand, indicating that I had a text message.

I rolled my eyes at the message that had just come across my screen.


Pull up

I didn't go into the club on Wednesdays, and I had no intention of spending my day off at someone else's house, especially since no sex was on the table.

Sage had made it clear that I had been "cut off," and since that was the case, I didn't see the point in hanging out with him, especially since sex was the foundation of our relationship.

I knew I should be wary of how insane this man had revealed himself to be. I was raised by Sheila and Malachi, though, and I've seen crazier.

I ignored his message before putting my phone on do not disturb. I decided to do a little cleaning up because I had been putting off tidying my place due to how busy I'd been with the club. After a couple of hours, I concluded my cleaning and stretched my tired limbs. The do no disturb time limit must have just expired because back-to-back notifications lit up my screen, along with an incoming call.

Picking my phone from the coffee table, I rolled my eyes at the caller ID, "What do you want, Sage?" I answered his call as I fell back onto my soft, white couch.

"That text wasn't a suggestion. You know that, right?" Again, I rolled my eyes. "Is there something you need?" I questioned.

"Yeah, I need you with me now, baby." His deep, raspy voice spoke lowly, making me squeeze my legs together.

I scoffed to hide the fact that I was excited to hear his voice, "Is that so? Because the last time I checked, you're supposed to be not talking to me."

I hated how far gone I was in this situationship with this man. Just two days ago I was done with him, yet today I'm back wearing his chain and looking for validation through his actions.

"Lose the fucking attitude, Kaia," he said, his tone switching from calm to annoyance instantly. "Just come see me."

"Why can't you come and see me?" I questioned back irritably.

He sucked his teeth in frustration, "I don't like your small ass apartment. So, I'll see you in an hour, right? Cool." he didn't wait for me to respond, just hung up.

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