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It had been a few weeks since I last spoke to Chance. However, he's been showing up here sporadically at the club ever since. I stayed my black ass in my office, though, and would send Santana out there to tell him I wasn't here.

I wasn't ready to face him yet. We had mutual soft spots for one another, and I would quickly say fuck whatever boundaries I set for us.

My door opened and in walked Kaia with a stack of papers, "Resha, it's new talent day and I don' watched like a hundred bitches shaking their asses." She sighed, "And they're all stiff as fu-"

"Just the bitch I wanted to see." I cut her off.

Kaia had been doing a whole lot of sneaking around since the club opened some weeks back and she assumed people were oblivious to it. Little did she know, a select few were hip to her recent moves. I was floored by Santana and I's revelation.

Kai sat the stack of papers on my desk and took a seat. "What you looking at me like that for?" she questioned as she flipped her hair out of her face.

"Because I wanna know when you decided that you didn't like coochie anymore."

The look on Kai's face was priceless. Yeah, she was caught red-handed fucking with that nigga. I bet she doesn't even know she was giving coochie up to a straight killer.

Her nose turned up, "Girl, what are you talking about? I don't like it bitch, I love it." She stated defensively.

"You like dick too, bitch. I saw yo ass."

Kai's jaw dropped. "I don't know what you—"

"Don't even lie. I walked in and you didn't even see me, but I definitely saw your raggedy-ass spread like an eagle on that desk. You need to learn how to lock ya damn door, I've been telling you that shit since we were in college, hoe."

"Girl, what are you talking about?" one thing about Kai, is she's going to lie until the wheels fall off.

"Let me say it slower," I said slowing my words down and using hand gestures to demonstrate what I saw "You, Kaia Henderson, was getting fucked on your desk by a nigga." The look on her face was hilarious.

Who would've thought my gay ass best friend would be taking dick, and so well at that. I was a proud bestie until I realized she was supposed to be gay as fuck.

Her taking dick wasn't so much the problem, though. I don't blame my girl for sampling some penis. If that's what she wants to do, I'll always support my baby. However, the problem lies with the person she chose to fuck with.

"I don't even know wh–"

"Hoe stop lying! I saw yo ass and that's cool. Shit, I don't care that you taking dick now, it's who your ass is doing it with that's throwing red flags all over this damn club." Her eyes turned to slits as she eyed me.

"Resha, what are you talking about? Spit it out."

"Oh! I know you don't have a damn attitude? After yo' ass was caught fucking a damn killer." 

Her face relaxed as her eyes widened with shock. "Who's a killer? Cause' not my nigga."

I smirked at her. "Oh, so you are fuckin' a nigga, huh?"

"Okay listen, hoe, it was a three-time thing, okay? I got drunk and fucked him and then he showed up here and we fucked again a couple of times after that." Was the LIE she told me.

"Kai, please. That man brings his ass into this club every night at 2:30 am on the dot like he works here. You like him and I get it, but again, the problem is you dealing with that killing ass nigga."

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