Eleven. Pt. I.

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"You take dick, and now the whole squad gets a $50k tax-free payday? With sisters like these..." I fake-cried. "Do you know how proud Sheila would be of you?!" I chirped.

My best friend fucking with niggas was already too much for a bitch like me to handle, but since it came with perks, I was letting it slide.

Kaia rolled her eyes as she directed the decorator on how to hang the "Happy Birthday Chance" banner.

"He's paying for a service, Tana." She said.

Well, coochie is a service.

"That you overcharged him for! What'cha gon' do with the rest of that money, Kai?" I asked.

Because curious minds would like to know.

"I don't know, and I didn't think he would say yes to that number." she chuckled, "It's not like I planned for a surplus of $300,000 of cash sitting in my lap."

"Whew, girl...  you're not using ya' coochie to its fullest potential. Hand it to me... I know what to do with it." I stuck my hand out, making her smack it away.

Money has never been a problem for Kai and her family. I realized that when I first met her, Kellie, and Caresha. Let Big Kai tell it, no amount of money was too much for them, then with a mom like Sheila, who can squeeze a dollar out of a penny, it was safe to say my sisters did not play when it came to getting to that bag.

However, she has never made money this easily outside of the unlimited bank of Papa Kai. Knowing Kaia, she was uncomfortable accepting the money, and that's probably why she promised each girl $5,000 in exchange for working tonight.

She's definitely was one of Sheila's weakest soldiers. Not me, though.

"Can you keep a secret?" she asked as the decorator left to retrieve more decorations.

"No, but you can tell me." I smiled, making her laugh, "Bitch,  we completely underestimated how much money this family has. That man gave me $500,000 in a duffel bag, plus an additional $20k to fast track getting this place decorated, food delivered, an open bar, and overnight costumes for the girls like it were fifty cents to him."

I specifically remembered Kaia telling me how big her nigga's house was, along with the multi-car garage. She compared it to the size of her family home, which was huge.

I paused as I took in everything she said, tapping my long gel manicure on the bar. "Nah, no shit, my sisters did that..."

"Tana!" she exclaimed, pushing my shoulder.

"Be for real, y'all did! Three sisters fucking on some rich ass niggas. Kellie is dead set on marrying the big one who tricks like Santa. Caresha got a shopping trip out of Chance a couple of weeks after he met her. You charged a man five hundred bands for something we do for fifteen, and Sage happily did it because he gets to drop dick off in peace. Sheila knows she raised some gold diggin' heffas!" I side-eyed her because she knew better than anyone that money was Sheila's biggest motivator.

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