Chapter 1.

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I ran through the thick, and dark woods that engulfed me. The loud thumping of my heart beat rang through my ears and sent my body in a panic. I tried to control my breathing. The air grew thick in my lungs as I clung onto the small hope that I would make it out alive. I glanced over my shoulder and saw the nothing. Nothing but the swift movement of the trees rustling. The creature was quicker than the eyes could follow, that much I knew. I pinned my eyes to the clearing that was laid out before me. Freedom was close. I could almost touch it. My feet burned and ached the closer I got. I let out a cry as I came crashing to my knees. A cold grip of fingers wrapped around my ankles. I turned around to face whatever it was, not knowing what to expect. My eyes locked with a man of bronze skin and haunting golden eyes that glowed in the dark. I sucked in my breath as he let go and inched closer to me, his face just inches from mine. He cocked his head slightly as if confused. I tried to speak but my voice was caught in my throat. He grazed his fingertips across my cheek and down towards my neck, sending a chill down my spine. My body erupted with goosebumps as he pressed his finger tips on the side of my throat. He smiled sweetly and inched his face towards my neck. I breathed heavily and tried to scream but nothing came out. He arose and gazed down on me, only this time his sweet smile had disappeared. He now had a look of horror on his face. His face had morphed into something not humam. Large fangs protruded from his mouth and his eyes were now a deep orange. No longer Beautiful and haunting. I finally let out the scream I had been so desperately trying to unleash.

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