Chapter 9

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The following day, I woke eager to start the day and be able to end it with Dante. I made it a point to try and fall asleep early. I tried calling Mina before bed, wanting to spill the details about our romantic getaway date but she never picked up my calls or answered my texts. I was beginning to worry when I heard a car honking outside. I peeked out the window to see her standing in the driveway waving.

"Mina?" I said opening the front door.

She yawned.

"I'm so sorry. Lost my phone last night, but hey I have so much to tell you. Last night was awesome."

I gave her a look of concern.

"Losing your phone is awesome? I was worried!"

"Relax, I plan on getting a new one after work today, and you can come with!"

"I can't, I have dinner plans at 7."

"Ohhhh, you do huh?! You and the neighbor are getting close." She teased and pinched my arm.

"Actually, that's why I called last night. Mina, the guy is so dreamy! And the spot he took me yesterday was amazing."

"Tell me more on the way, we got to leave!"

I grabbed my keys and bag and bolted out the front door with her. We gossiped the whole ride. As we were approaching our lunch break, a man walked in. He was tall and had angular features. His eyes were dark, piercing but not like Dante's. They were a lot harsher. His hair was cut short and was choppy. He seemed familiar but I couldn't pin how or where I would have seen someone like him.

"That's him! What's he doing here?" She whispered to me.

I shrugged. How was I supposed to know?

"Ah, Mina. Hello again. It would seem you misplaced this last night. Found it on the floor of my car." He handed over a small black device.

It was her phone. I shook my head at her, rolling my eyes.

"Oh, thanks! Thought maybe it was gone for good. But how did you know where to find me?" She laughed.

His eyes rested on me for a moment and then back at her.

'You mentioned this place last night when we were at the bar. I figured I might find you here."

"I did? Hm, I don't remember." she said trailing off.

"Well, it's a cool place. Seems like you work here too?"

"Yeah. I do. You can take a look around if you'd like." She said back.

He nodded and started to browse the store. His vibe was completely off. He wasn't even looking at the product, just kept shooting glances towards her and I but I don't think Mina noticed too much. I tugged at her shirt sleeve, pulling her to a different section, careful not to make things obvious.

"He seems like bad news! You went out with HIM?" I whispered.

"Shh! And he's not. At least not that I can see. He's just a little alternative with this clothing choices."

"That's not what I'm talking about. And how did he know where to find you exactly? I thought you said he didn't know?"

"You heard him. I must have said something between drinks last night."

"I thought you weren't that drunk?"

She grimaced.

"I wasn't but I must have said something. Why does it bother you so much?" she said.

I looked back over to the guy. He was across the store now, picking up vinyl and inspecting the covers.

"I'm not sure. Something feels off."

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