Chapter 8

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We stayed that way until morning. Dante never left my side that night. When I awoke in the morning, I was shocked to see him still sitting there. His head was buried in a book that he held next to him. I asked him if he was comfortable or if he even slept but he just smiled. Rupert tapped on the door and entered.

"Ah, I see we are awake and already smiling." He said bowing to us. 

"Indeed. Rupert, would you mind walking Lucy back for me?" He asked.

I frowned at him. I did not want to seem clingy, but I was hoping for as many more minutes as I could get with Dante. Maybe even a kiss goodbye.

"Of course, sir, Whenever the missus is ready."

Dante smiled and nodded at him, as he walked down the hall. He looked down at me still in his lap. He tucked my hair behind my ear and sighed. I felt it too, sadness. 

"I had the most wonderful time with you Lucy. I wish we could continue into today; however, I have a few things I must take care of today."

"I had an amazing time too. I hope we can do this again." 

"Of course. Anytime you'd like." He said.

We both sat up. I stretched and reached for my phone. It was dead. I had no idea what time it was. I got up and looked around and that's when I noticed there were no windows in this room. I was going to peer outside to see if the sun was up but I couldn't. 

"Everything ok?" He asked.

"I just noticed you have no windows in this room. I thought it strange is all."

His eyes flickered around for a moment and returned back to me.

"Yes well, this is where I come to get away from it all, no need for outside distractions right?" he said. 

I nodded my head in agreement and walked down the hallway with him and into a dark and dim lit foyer. All the curtains were pulled tightly closed. It felt like the middle of the night still. He paused before taking a step into the room. He stopped at the entrance and folded his arms as he leaned against the wall. Rupert appeared down the hall on the opposite side.

"Ready miss Lucy?" he asked. 

I nodded. I looked back at Dante. He extended an arm towards me and pulled me into an embrace. He was cold, colder than he felt last night. 

"I'll see you soon, okay?" He whispered. My body shivered at the anticipation of meeting him again. 

Rupert ushered me gently out the foyer and led me to the door. I took another glance back at Dante, but he was gone as usual.

Mina met me for lunch that day. I told her all about the events last night and into this morning. She was stunned. I got an earful on why I didn't tell her sooner and asked for details which I shared of course. She was on the edge of her seat the whole time I told her. As I retold the events, memories danced through my mind, I wish it didn't end at all. The whole night had felt like a dream. 

"So are you going to see him again? You have to!" She exclaimed.

"I sure hope so." I laughed. 

"We should plan a double date." 

"A double date? You mean you're seeing someone?" I asked. I was a bit surprised.

"No but I have a few eligible bachelors I could ask." 

I rolled my eyes at her. Of course she did.

"Oh, come on, I want to meet him now!"

"Okay, okay fine. That's if he agrees to it. He seemed tense after I left, so I don't want to bombard him this soon with a second date."

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