Chapter 11

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Mina's number buzzing my phone woke me from the power nap I had been taking. The last couple of days I had spent with Dante, and because of his nocturnal habits, I was awake late into the night. He would always protest against losing sleep, but I reassured him each time. Yorick had taken a small vacation, which meant the shop was closed for a few days. I had taken advantage of that time to catch up on sleep during the day. I was beginning to feel like a vampire myself. I shook my head at the thought.

"Hey! Open up, I brought food." Mina said chipper into the phone.

I yawned and went to the front door. I was greeted by an energetic Mina, and a large bag of snacks. Mina shot me a judging glare as she set the bag down.

"Were you still sleeping at this hour?!" She exclaimed.

I shrugged in defeat.


"Jesus Lucy, it's like 2 o'clock." she laughed.

I Shooed her words away.

"Ah, Dante has been keeping you busy huh?" she winked.

"Hey, it's not like that!"

"Sure, sure. How far have you guys gone then?"

I gasped in shock. I was completely taken back by the question.

"Relax! I'm kidding. Should see the look on your face though. Are you awake now?!"

I playfully punched her arm. She squealed and pushed me away. We broke out in laughter and plopped down at the kitchen island. She rummaged through the bag and pulled out a box of instand hot chocolate and a bag filled with popcorn, chocolate, and candies; all of which have always been a favorite of Mina's and I. The popcorn mix was a concauction that we had made as kids, and since then it was always a treat that we would share together. It had been a while since Mina and I had put it together and ate together.

"Wow, this is a blast from the past!" I said gazing at the goodies.


As we were pouring the snacks into bowls and heating up the hot chocolate, Mina's phone rang from the counter. She raced to it and smiled. It was undoubtly Nikolaus. I grabbed two mugs out the cabinet and filled them with the hot chocolate that was now warm on the stove. I dropped a few marshmellows in for good measure. Mina quickly set her phone down and ran over to taste it with me. We both sighed in pleasure at the chocolate goodness.

"So, how are you and Nikolaus anyways?" I asked.

"We are amazing! Oh Lucy, he's awesome."

"That's great!"

"He's actually texting me about tonight." She said smiling slyly.

"What's tonight?"

"Nik is wanting to get together with you and Dante. I hope that's ok. I know it's last minute."

I glanced over towards Dante's house from the window next to us.

"What time?" I asked taking another sip.

"I'm not sure, Nik is taking a nap, he works nights mostly. He said whenever he wakes up around 6ish?"

"I think that should be okay. I'll have to make sure Dante doesn't have any plans first."

"Call him and ask him now! Or better yet, let's go next door and ask." Mina said clasping her hands together.

"Um, no that's okay. He's actually asleep too. He also works nights." I said quickly.

Mina looked at me with concern but then dropped her expression.

"Geeze, it's like you guys are vampires or something." She laughed.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26 ⏰

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