Chapter 2.

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I fumbled through my sheets as I awoke in a cold sweat. My mind still raced with thoughts of what I had just witnessed. I had been having the same nightmare for a week straight. No matter how many times I had the nightmare, it never changed how I felt; fear. Fear for what would have happened if I had never woken. I laughed at myself for even thinking like that, but I always had the feeling that dreams always meant something, always. Or maybe I have been watching too many horror movies is what my mother would say to me growing up. As a child, I was always prone to nightmares and dreams of all kinds. It was either too much chocolate before bed or one too many horror movies. My mom swore up and down that I had an active imagination and that was still very true. I poured myself a glass of orange juice and slumped onto the couch. It was still only six AM. I knew it I didn't have to be up for another hour but there was no going back to sleep for me. I turned on the tv and flipped through the channels until I saw something I liked; Frankenstein. I smiled and threw the remote on the table in front of me. I curled up into the pillow next to me and gulped down my orange juice. I had gotten so invested in the movie I almost didn't hear my alarm go off. It was time to start my day. I groaned and made my way to the shower. I quickly threw on my clothes for the day and combed through my long red hair, putting it in a messy wet bun before heading out the door to meet my coworker waiting for me. Her windows were down and she was blasting some indie band I didn't recognize. I smiled and rolled my eyes playfully at her as I approached. I popped into the passenger seat and shoved my bag in between my legs.

"Ready?" She asked.

I nodded.

"New tunes?" I asked looking over at her.

"Yeah! I found their album at work and figured I would give them a listen. Not your taste I know."

I gasped.

"Rude! I like all music!"

She gave me a look.

"Alright. I like all but country I suppose."

She raised an eyebrow and laughed.

"I'm only messing with you. She said.

"Yeah, yeah, sure." I said back sarcastically.

Her smile faded and she threw me a serious look. I did a double take making sure she was in fact looking at me and not glaring at someone next to us at the red light.

"Uh oh. What's with the look?"

"So did you have that dream again?"

I sighed to myself softly. Remembering it all made me suddenly feel as tired as I did when running inside the dream.

"I did."

"Man., I feel like maybe it means something! Like what if maybe its impending doom? Or maybe-"

"Or maybe what?"

"Or maybe it means you need to stop watching those vampire movies before bed?" She said glaring at me playfully.

I knew that was coming. It's what anyone would say. I shrugged it off.

"Maybe you're right. But last night I promise I only watched Creature From The Black Lagoon. AND I only watched it ONCE!"

"Still a horror movie."

We pulled into the parking lot of work. The bright neon sign lit up the empty parking lot.

"Don't tell me we beat Yorick again."

I shut the car door and looked around. It didn't surprise me at this point. The man was addicted to coffee and would make himself late just to get a good cup. As if by coincidence, his old mustang flew around the corner and peeled into the parking lot. It was like a bright flash of red. I shook my head at him. He was a great laid-back boss, but still reckless nonetheless. We had been helping him run his record and music shop for years now. He was the only one in town who had the selection he had. He was very much proud and a huge music junkie. His head bobbled out the car as he grabbed his bearings. His dark black beard messily hung around his face. He stroked his mustache before taking a long sip of coffee from his giant mug.

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