Chapter 10

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Mina and I decided to have a movie night together after work. Nikolaus had to cancel a date. I could tell she was bummed but kept a smile on. I twitched when she suggested an old vampire flick.

"How about something action packed?" I said holding up a disc.

"Ah that one is a classic. Let's go for it."

We both curled up onto the couch with a bowl of popcorn. The movie started out slow but gained traction. I popped another bowl of popcorn ready to pick another movie after the first one was rolling it's ending credits. Mina's phone dinged and she lazily got up to retrieve it.

"Oh. It's Nikolaus." She said holding the phone up.

I pulled the bowl out the microwave and set it in front of us, stuffing a few pieces in my mouth.

"What does he want?" I asked.

"He finished up his errands early and wants to go out."

I sighed. I knew what she was about to ask.

"Is it okay if I-"

"Sure." I said rolling my eyes.

"Are you upset?" she frowned.

"I still think he's trouble but who am I to judge. If you're happy then that's all I care about."

"Aw Luce, thank you! I am! Oh, I know. Why don't you invite Dante and come with us? Nikolaus says he wants to go back to Karnage."

I did not have an interest in any of those things at the moment, although I did want to rid myself of any misplaced thoughts I had of Dante. Mina was batting her eyelashes at me. I threw a piece of popcorn at her giggling.

"I don't think tonight is a good night for clubbing. Next time." I said.

"Promise?" she said holding out her pinky finger.

I interlocked my pinky with hers.

"I promise. Now go! Don't keep him waiting." I said pushing her out her seat.

"I'll text you later when I get home. I'm sorry again." she said shoving her arms through her coat.

I watched her walk down the driveway and leave. I stood on the porch and looked over to Dante's house. The curtains were drawn as usual, his car was not there though. I went back inside and tried to finish the fresh popcorn I had popped but my appetite was no longer there. I dumped the bowl out in the garbage and set it in the sink. Maybe I should have just gone with Mina. Sitting alone in the house wasn't exactly ideal right now. I lazily walked upstairs and sat at my desk. I figured maybe reading would keep me busy and it did but only for a moment. My last resort was to just suck it up and go enjoy myself with Mina after all. I wanted to be polite so I ended up extending the offer to Dante via phone call, but he never picked up. I went to my bedroom window to see if I could spot his car back, but it was still gone. I guess I would go alone. I threw on a fresh outfit and walked out the door, checking my phone one last time. Nothing.

Club Karnage was a dark and rundown building just on the outskirts of town. It was only a short walk and bus ride from my neighborhood. There wasn't much else around besides a small gas station and other abandoned warehouses that surrounded it. It was like a ghost town. Cold rain smacked me right on my face just as I made my way to the front doors. Thank God I left when I did.

"ID please." A woman with long dark red hair stopped me at the doors. Her onyx black nails reached out ready to check my card.

"Oh right. "I said reaching into my purse.

I held it out to her. She studied it for a moment and then squinted her golden eyes at me. Her dark red lips turned into a smirk at me.

"Come alone?" she asked.

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