Chapter 7

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Rupert escorted me down the hall and into the sitting room. A warm fire was lit in the corner of the room and two white candles were burning on the small end table next to the dark loveseat.

"The master will be down shortly. Would you like me to pour this for you?" Rupert said pointing to the bottle in my hands.

"Oh yes! I wanted to thank you for helping fix my window and well everything else." I smiled and handed him the wine.

"It was my pleasure madame." He spoke. He took the bottle and walked out the room, disappearing into the dimly lit hallway.

I paced the room a bit before deciding to sit down and wait for Dante. Every small noise made me want to jump up with anticipation; how crazy I must seem. The crackling soft fire eased my nerves a bit as I focused in on that. The candles casted shadows across the room and for a second, I became relaxed, so relaxed in fact I began to shut my eyes in peace. When I opened them, Dante was standing in the doorway. He wore a black silk shirt that had its first three buttons unbuttoned, which was loosely tucked into his fitted black pants. A small silver chain hung from his left ear; his dark shoulder length black hair was neatly pulled half up. I held in a gasp as I gazed over at him. He smirked, then looked down shyly as he fixed the cuff of his shirt.

"Hello, Lucy." He said, his voice low.

My heart fluttered at the sound.

"Hello Dante." I said, cheeks red.

"Rupert says you brought wine. That was very kind of you, thank you."

"Yes! I hope that's okay with you?" I asked.

"Oh, why yes, I do love wine. Especially red."

I gave myself a mental high-five.

"Shall we?" He asked, holding his hand out towards me.

I nodded and without hesitation I wrapped my arm through his as he led me to the dining room where Rupert was already pouring two fresh glasses. I guess Rupert wasn't joining in on the wine drinking. I felt bad and wanted him to know that he was welcome to join.

"Oh, just two glasses?" I asked, looking up.

Rupert glanced at Dante and then back at me.

"I will try the wine next time." Rupert spoke.

I frowned.

"Forgive me madame, for I am most grateful for your generosity, however I must partake another time." He said bowing.

"Hm. Okay, but only if you promise!" I said.

They both chuckled, to my surprise. I had never actually seen Rupert laugh.

Dante and I sipped on our drinks for a bit before he spoke again.

"Would you care for some music?" He asked.

I had a mouth full of wine, but I nodded at him. He led me down the hall again and into a separate room. Inside the room was a beautiful grand piano, record player, lit candles, and a dark gray painting of a woman. She was dressed in an elaborate gown and headdress. She was almost as breathtaking as Dante himself. Dante led me to the seat next to the old record player. He set his glass down on the glass table and popped in a vinyl. Soft classical music filled the room. He smiled sweetly at me as he took another sip of his drink.

"I hope you don't mind; I prefer the older stuff." He said.

"I love it." I said smiling back.

He waltzed softly around me to the music as we continued to drink. I could feel a small buzz surfacing and I felt my nerves relax. I walked over to the piano and traced my fingers over the keys. I felt Dante close behind me. His eyes followed my hands.

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