Chapter 4

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I woke the next morning in my bedroom. The sun was very low in the sky, meaning it was still early. I turned over and saw my phone sitting on the wooden nightstand next to me. The sudden realization of last night's events came rushing back. How did I get back in here? Did Mina come back? I was really hoping that was the case, although there was a small part inside me that thought I might be lucky enough to wake back up in Dante's arms. He was terrifying but so enticing. He was like a haunted house; I'm scared but feel drawn to him. I wanted to know more but knew it best to probably stay away. My phone rang and interrupted my thoughts.

"Mina, hey!" I said when I picked up.

"Finally awake! So, when were you going to tell me about your hot neighbor?"

I blushed. My eyes darted across the room and out the window at his house. All the curtains were closed tightly again.

"Well, I never actually met him until last night. I guess the old guy was just a butler."

"So, he's hot AND rich? Geeze, you got lucky." she said laughing.

"I guess." I muttered. "By the way, did you let me back inside the house?"

"How drunk were you?!" she exclaimed bursting into more laughter.

"I guess more than I realized. I don't remember anything after passing out on his couch."

I felt my cheeks turn red at the thought.

"Yeah. I realized you left like all your shit in my car so I came back. Dante and his Butler told me you were asleep and that you probably had too much to drink. They offered to keep you there overnight but I insisted I would take you home. He kind of seemed like bad news. I'm surprised you don't remember any of this."

"Like I said, maybe it was too much, or maybe I got roofied after all."

"You sure they didn't drug you over there?" She asked.

I nodded my head, even though I knew she couldn't see me.


"Well, that's good then. Didn't want to have to fight some guy."

"No, but I know I can count on you if I need someone to." I joked.

I yawned and looked over at the clock on my desk.

"I should go get ready. See you in like an hour?" I asked.

"Yup! See you in a bit."

We hung up and I dragged myself to the shower.  By the time I got out, Mina was already outside. We made it to work same as usual. Yorick was grabbing a bunch of new vinyl from his backseat and carried it inside. Most of it was classic rock. I organized the boxes and re arranged the shelves. I made sure to make note of a few albums I wanted as I put away the rest. The morning dragged after I finished. I was still feeling extremely out of it and it must have been painted all over my face because Yorick pulled me aside, asking me if everything was alright. I nodded at him, assuring him I was fine. I had no intentions of telling him anything. Mina looked over at me from across the room and shot me a look. She mouthed the words are you ok. I said I was fine and went back behind the counter to sit down. The store was quiet, and a soft rain drummed against the glass windows. I peered outside and gazed at the empty streets.  Cars slowly passed by, disappearing into the foggy street ahead. I sighed and glanced at the clock. It was going to be a long day. I looked over at Mina who was doing the same as I. She had her stool propped against the window on her side watching the rain fall. Yorick clapped his hands and caught our attention. He walked over to one of the big jukeboxes we had and started blasting some oldies band I didn't recognize. We giggled and bobbed our heads to the beat with him as he did a little dance. 
The day continued to move at a steady pace. Once Mina and I finished work we decided to stop and grab dinner together at a quiet hole in the wall Restaurant. The lighting was dim inside and the rain gently rattled the low hanging ceiling. I sat down across from Mina and glanced over the menu. I realized then just how hungry I actually was. A large soda and cheesy fries was just what I needed to pick me up. Mina tossed her menu aside and nodded at me.

"Mind reader huh?" I said.
She giggled. Of course she knew what I wanted. It was my classic order anytime I'm not feeling myself.

"It's not like I know you like the back of my hand or anything." She teased.
I threw my hands up in defeat and smiled.

"Hey, isn't that your hot neighbor?" Mina said pointing out the window next to us.
I turned my head to look. There he was again. He was across the street; standing in the rain talking to a group of women holding an umbrella over them. I could see their expressions from here; complete enamored. Who wouldn't be though. His hair was pinned half up and falling neatly around his face. I took a deep breath and looked away.

"Yeah. That's him."

"Damn. What a lady killer."

My eyes flashed over to him again and I could feel my pulse rising. Memories of last night came rushing back. My head became foggy again, my breathing slowing. The longing sensation to have his hands graze my skin was boiling inside my mind. "What is wrong with me?" I thought. I tored my gaze from him and looked over to find that our food had already been served to us. Reality set back in and I sighed in relief.

"You ok?" Mina asked.

I nodded.

"I think I wanna eat and just head straight home. My head is killing me." I said.

"Okay. If you say so." Mina said. She had a look of concern.

I tried my best to explain I was fine but she knows me better than that. It doesn't help that I'm the worst liar on the planet, especially to her. Mina can smell bullshit a mile away. After finishing our food and convincing her as best I could, I rushed home and collapsed onto the couch. The rain was still continuing at a steady pace. The house was quiet and dark. I closed my eyes and listened to the downpour outside. The water running down the side of the house made for a nice melody to relax to. I could almost paint the image of the rain inside my head. The soft and faint dripping of water onto the porch; I tried to imagine it as wet paint as I pretend to paint the image inside my mind. I waved the brush across the sky and painted the angry clouds, the rain, the houses outside. I was suddenly bombarded with thoughts of HIM as I pictured him standing outside. His radiant glow beaming off of him as he turned to look over at me. I shot up from the couch,not wanting to day dream about him again.

He was beginning to invade every corner of my mind. I had no idea what was coming over me. Ever since the night before, I felt like l was living an out of body experience. One moment I'm fine and the next, my head is in a fog and the thoughts of him begin. I decided to take a hot bath in hopes that I would be able to snap out of it and could fully enjoy my night. I was hanging my towel on the hook behind my bedroom door when curiosity got the better of me. I pulled the curtain back gently over my window and peered outside. The car door nextdoor slammed shut. I jumped back from the sudden noise. Dante was leering up at me from inside the car. He tilted his dark sunglasses down and smirked. My heart skipped a beat. His golden eyes were so beautiful even in the night. He then rolled up his window and peeled out of the driveway.

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