~Chapter 5~

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Later that night, Chris and I were lying in my bed together. My head was on his chest, and he was rubbing my back gently.

"Are you sore," he asked me.

"Not right now. I probably will be tomorrow though."

"You were amazing to watch tonight. The way you came up with all of that so quickly blew our minds."

"Thank you."

"It really did impress the hell out of Maria."

"It did?"

"It did. That's why you won. All five of us went to the final meeting with the judge's panel. They asked her, her opinion. That's what she said to them."

"What did she say?"

"She said you were way more creative on a level of intelligence she has never seen before. She has seen a lot of In This Moment tribute bands and none of those lead singers can do what you did tonight, Iris. That's what she said to them. Her exact words were I've never seen a performer do what Iris just did. The creativity that came out her just blew my damn mind and the vocals are just supreme."

"She said that," I asked, turned my head and looked up at him.

"Yes, Iris, she said that," he said with a chuckle.

"Can I ask you a personal question?"


"What was Kat talking about when she was saying you are finally back on the right path?"

He took a deep breath and looked at me.

"You deserve to know this, Iris. I had a drug addiction. I got addicted to opioids due to my health issues. The addiction and some other stuff caused the divorce to happen. In between the Ritual and Mother albums, we divorced, and I went for treatment. I got clean with counseling and a change in my lifestyle. I don't even take prescription medications anymore unless I absolutely have to. I have turned to herbs and vitamins to treat myself."

I sat up next to him and looked down at him as he opened himself up to me about this. Just listening to him about it is what he needed me to do. He chose to be vulnerable with me about something very personal and traumatic that happened to him. He got very emotional with me. It meant a lot to me for him to do that.


"Iris," he said, lifted his hand and brushed my hair out of my face.

"Do you trust me?"
"Yes I do."

I rubbed my hands together, warming my palms; "Close your eyes," I said as I placed my hands on his chest barely touching him.

He closed his eyes.

"Just breathe for me, love," I said softly and then began speaking a language that very few people could understand as I ran my hands over his open chest and abdomen.

I could feel the warmth resonating from my hands and down into him. My voice was calm and soft as I kept speaking over him. Finally placing my left hand on his forehead, I finished and placed my right hand over his heart.

"How do you feel," I asked softly.

"Like I'm floating on a cloud," he said in a whisper. "That was beautiful. Iris," he said and opened his eyes to look up at me.

"Hey love," I said smiling down at him.



"Are you?"

"Am I what?"

"Do you consider yourself to be religious?"

Violet Skies ~ An In This Moment Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now