Broken watch

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(First of all I APOLOGIZE for dieing and not being active but thus I am alive now and I can finally update. I'm on a school break thill 3rd of March so I'll try to get on with updates. Now with that out of the way... This is a Soulmate AU that I saw recently, when you meet your soulmate your watches stop working, this is also Modern setting. Anyway enjoyyy)

Third POV.
A siluate was running through the dark streets and alleys, it was not an unusual sight for such a big city so people didn't pay much attention to it. Heavy breths fell as the siluate stopped, clutching their stomach. They turned around, still trying to catch their breath, trying to see if whoever they were running from was gone. They sighed in relief when they saw no one there, they would've been surprised if anything if the person managed to track them down from now many sudden turns they made. Finally calming down a bit they ran a hand through their hair and went out of their hiding spot like nothing had happened. Upon doing so they were met with a busy street. They continued to walk down the street until they reached a staircase that went underground. Down there they sat on a bench, waiting for their train. It was more or less quiet, despite that they put in their headphones and put some music on. In a minute or so the train arrived, they got on and quietly sat down next to some old lady. Some time passed and the train was coming to the station our person needed. Upon stopping they got out... And were met with the floor.
"Oi! Watch it asshole!" They yelled at the person but they already went into the train. They sighed but didn't have the energy to get up yet. They almost jumped when they felt a hand on their shoulder. Upon looking to the side they were met with a rather handsome face.
"I saw what happened. Are you okay?" The mysterious guy asked.
"Y-Yeah... Thanks." He cursed himself for that little stutter. He took the strangers hand and got up. He was about to thank them and maybe ask for they're number but was interrupted.
"I was on my way to get some coffee, would you like to join me?" The stranger asked.
"You know what, sure. Coffee sounds nice." He smiled.

To say it was a nice place was an underestimation, it was absolutely beautiful he refused to believe this was mere coffee shop. He couldn't help but look around. The stranger giggled, and he got annoyed of refering to him as that.
"I'm Angel by the way." He said extending his hand.
"Alastor, pleasure to be meeting you." He said taking his hand. They talked for a while even after they finished they're coffee. Alastor paid for both of them, absolutely refusing to let Angel do it, insisting it was his treat. Soon they walked out together and continued walking in whatever direction the other picked, it seemingly wasn't a problem to either of them. They eventually sat down on a bench in some park.
"You know you never mentioned what you do for a living."said Angel.
"I'm own a podcast studio. Not many people think ut would actually be this successful." Alastor replied.
"So that's why your name sounds familiar, I may have heard of it!" Angel said. Alastor just smiled in response.
"What about you?"
"What do you do for a living?"
Angel just looked down. He couldn't tell him could he now. If it was someone else it probably wouldn't have matter too much, but it somehow felt embarrassing with Alastor. He felt a familiar hand on his shoulder again.
"It's okay if your not proud of it, not everyone has a choice." He said looking at him like it really didn't matter to him. That made Angel smile but he was still a little hesitant.
"I work...uh.. at the club..." He said slowly, not daring to make eye contact. He was surprised when he felt the hand that was on his shoulder extend and wrapped around him, pulling him closer. He laid his head on his shoulder, not knowing what else to do, and just relaxed for a bit. Then something came to him.
"Were you waiting for a train back there?"
"Yeah." Was a simple reply he got.
"Then why did you help me if you had to go somewhere?"
"Because you needed it, and it wasn't like I needed to get home yet, there's no one waiting there anyway." He said the last part in a bit of a sad tone but Angel knew better then to bring it up now.
"And where were you going?" Alastor asked.
"I needed to wait for another train since the one I got off didn't go to where I needed."
"And where did you need it to go?"
"Getting a little personal are we?"
"Just curious."
"I know I'm kidding. I needed to get to the xxxxx street."
"Hey I need to get there too!"
They looked at eachother, and started running to the train station.

"Damn I thought we were never gonna get here in time!" Angel said trying to catch his breath. Alastor who sat next to him laughed a little at that.
"Yeah, thought we were almost late."
"I don't believe it! You look like a type of person who looks at their watch all the time just so they aren't late."
"Yeah, I am. But today my watch stopped working." Alastor said with a big smile.
"At the station earlier." Angel paused at that. He began to feel guilty, he stopped him from meetings his soulmate, all because he fell? God he was so stupid!
"It's okay but, could you give me the time?"
"I- sure." Angel looked down at his watch, only to stop from shock. His watch wasn't working either. He finally understood. He chuckled. Alastor looked at him a little confused.
"What's wrong-"
"You must be pretty disappointed to have such a whore for a solemate-"
He was cut off when he felt two hands wrapp around him.
"I want to get to know you, to learn how to love you! You are so much more then just what you do. I want to know you for you, not what you do for money." The words almost made him burst into tears. He turned around and buried his head in his solemate's chest letting them out. Thay stood like that the entire ride, no one bothered them. When they got out Alastor insisted on walking him home. There Angel spread his arms expecting a hug. He instead got a kiss and a phone number.

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