A deal to kill (part 1)

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(request byyy Lavina675 in which Alastor stalks Angel, marking him as his target, but unexpectedly changes his mind, hope you enjoy^^)

(Also I've decided to use Angel's real name for this, idk why I never used it before considering I used to do a lot of human au, but I think it's time to make the change I guess)

1920 Louisiana

It was a rather chilly night, uncommon but not unheard of for this time of the year. Street lights illuminated a figure walking down the almost empty street. The only people still out at this time of night were either drunks who couldn't find their way home or druggies who were too high to see what was in front of them. There was also a third option. Runaway criminals. But our fellow wasn't either of these options. Though he did belong to the third one he wasn't on the run. He was just enjoying a night walk. He had a gun hidden inside his jacket and a knife hidden in his right boot. He didn't have to worry about anything. He walked rather stylishly for a gentlemen, but then again he didn't have much of an audience to notice. His long blonde hair was just a little bit visible under his hat. The pink suit he wore would certainly get him attention whether he liked it or not. The suit was matched up with a darker pink vest and a pair of black long boots. He pulled a pack of cigs from his pocket, lighting it with a simple flick of the lighter. The first pull always left his mind more foggy then it already was. He decided to sit for a moment. He cursed himself for picking a hotel that was so far up. He decided to finish his cigarette while still resting. He watched the stray dogs run after each other. It seemed like fun. Much more fun then what he had. He let out a low groan getting up. His vision blurred for a second. He tossed the cigarette to the floor, stepping on it before continuing his journey. When he passed this street and turned to the left he'll almost be able to see it, he told himself. With his eyes straight ahead of him he went in between a darker alley. His hand was close to his gun, cautiously. He let out a sigh of relief when he passed through only to suddenly turn back for the slightest noise.

There was no one there.

Strange. He taught, but blindly turned his back to it, continuing on. A man passed by him, accidentally bumping into him.
"Ei! Watch- where... Where you're f..ucking going!" He mumbled clearly drunk. Anthony only continued walking. This moron wasn't worth the trouble he could cause. He felt a little bit relived when he saw the hotel's light. He went past to the receptionist, greeting him for the night. He spared the front door one last look. His room was a mess. He was a mess. He just fell into the bed, kicking off his boots.

Outside of the hotel, he was unaware that the presence he felt was behind him, actually was there. A young man adjusted his glasses up, and with a smile started making his way home. This gentleman was armed as well. He hummed a nice melody while making his way down. On his way he passed by the drunk man. He was sitting down and laughing. When Alastor got closer, he put his foot in front of him. Making him almost fall. Alastor stumbled forward, but managed to keep himself from falling. The guy bursted out laughing. Alastor looked back at him. The guy was still laughed. And with a quick work of a hand. He wasn't laughing anymore. It was just a pool of blood left behind. Alastor skipped thought a few shortcuts to get to the forest. His little cabin was waiting for him. It was starting to get chilly again. He started a fire as soon as he took off his boots and coat. A young new fellow. All alone in a hotel? He taught as he reheating the Jambalaya he still hed leftovers of. Hardly anyone would even notice he is gone. He taught with a satisfying smirk. He was starting to run low on meat. Maybe he should've made better use of that drunk he stumbled upon earlier. He quickly changed his mind. Intoxicated meat never tasted well.

Anthony was having a hard time getting up. He woke up pass noon, hungry and still tired. He tossed and turned, mustering up the strength to get up. He was exhausted with just the taught of what he'll have to do today. As a matter of facts he was waiting for a telegraph to tell him. He finally sat up. He was still in the suit. He groaned taking it off piece by piece until he was left in only his underwear. He prayed that the breakfast lady wouldn't come around this time. Although it was already far too late for breakfast and he should be expecting lunch soon. He slipped into a brown overall and a white blouse. He brushed his hair and went downstairs. He could tell that he was still looking like a trainwrech even with the cute outfit. He just couldn't be bothered right now. He needed something to eat and he needed it fast. He went downtown. In the past two days he's spend in this place he had a rough idea of where certain things were. For example he knew where the theatre was. Not that he had any interest in it. Not at all. He just- it happen to catch his eye. But the theatre won't feed him. He needed a diner. He turned a couple of times and found himself on a busy street. Across it he saw it. A small restaurant. He smiled to himself. Making his way to it however... Was anything but easy. The crowd was intense, there were also a couple of cars. It was easy to get attacked in the crowd- He shook his head. He bolted forward through as much as people wouldn let him. He was meters away now. He could smell the food. But he wasn't careful enough with where he was going. And he suddenly felt himself falling down. He closed his eyes waiting for the impact. But it didn't come. He was pulled back up by one of his suspenders. When he looked behind him.

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