Voodoo doll

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(this oneee was requested byyy 0642421as in which Angel finds a voodoo doll of Alastor but doesn't know it's a voodoo doll :D (look to the end of story to see the link for the video above ^^)

Angel's POV.
I was walking through the hotel, bored out of my mind. I passed through the endless hallway, when I saw one door in particular. It was Alastor's, the one with a sign to 'keep out'. No that could work on people who have something to lose. I knew he wasn't around at this time, something about a good meal that I didn't catch on. I creeked his door. Ha, too much of a keep out if it's not even locked. I went inside and started looking around. I didn't know what I was looking for, rather just wanted to see what kinds of things he has. Between potions and radios another thing caught my eye. On his bed, he had a doll of... Himself? I picked it up gently and started inspecting it. It seemed like a normal doll, except it looked like a mini copy of him. How egotistical. I decided that the only logical thing, was to take it with me of course. I would be damned not to cuddle with a mini version of him when I couldn't have the real one anyway. Maybe I could... No! I don't even think he want a relationship, let alone he would choose someone like me- but enough of that! I sneaked out, hiding the doll between my chest fluff.


Alastor had just finished his afternoon meal. Blood was still dripping down his mouth, so he quickly wiped it off, so it wouldn't ruin his clothes. He suddenly felt something. Something like fingers on his skin. He immediately took out his stand. But saw no one. The touches continued, but no one was there. He suddenly felt something warm on his face. Something that was tickling his nose. He sneezed. Every passer by running faster by him. He could suddenly breath again. Since nothing more was felt, except the lingering touches that he still felt, he decided to go back to the hotel and investigate later.

(Back to Angel)

I took the doll to my room and tucked it in nicely. I started tracing patterns on its little body. Outlining every little detail. From under I heard the big door close. So Alastor must've came back. I quickly tucked the dool behind pillows and blankets. Then I went down as if I wasn't a cheeky little theef. He looked somewhat disturbed, paused to mutter a small hello to everyone and then went straight upstairs. I heard a door shut, so he must've came to his room. Now I'm screwed. Charlie called dinner time not long after that, but Alastor still wasn't coming down. He came down a little while later without his coat, only in the black shirt, with the sleeves rolled to his elbows. When asked why he replied that he's just feeling a little hot. Now I would argue it wasn't a little- but that's just me. It was more so peaceful after that. When we were wrapping everything up Alastor stood up.
"I have an important question to ask." Everyone gave them their attention.
"None of you have happened to be snooping around my room lately, have you?" He asked rather serious.
"No, why? Is something missing?"
"Yes. A very important item in fact."
"Maybe you just forgot where you but it old man-"
"Oh I know where I put it. I never move it. Ever." He cut Vaggie off rather angrily. None of them had anything to say, while I was panicking on the inside. How can a stupid doll be important? Does he just not want people to find out he has a custom doll of himself? Cuz he doesn't have to worry about that, that doll ain't leaving my bed while I'm breathing. We went our separate ways after dinner, Charlie stayed with Alastor to help him find what he was looking for. I went straight to my room to take the doll out of it's hiding spot. I pulled it closer to me to look at it.
"This is so stupid..." My lips brought themselves onto the one's made out of plush. I hugged it to my chest, tucking my head on top of it. I hugged Nuggets with my other pair, while I scrolled through my phone with the arm that was under the dool.


This was bad. What if it was truly stolen by someone? Though the things I'm feeling are gentle, that doesn't mean anything necessarily good. I felt the heat disappeared suddenly. Ah, finally! My face suddenly went red. I felt something touch my lips. But then I felt that fluffy thing again, except it was on my side this time. Charlie asked what I was feeling and I explained slowly. Then I felt something on top of my head, and something warm wrapping around my waist. Dear Lucifer I felt hotter then before. I unbuttoned the shirt as I couldn't take it for too long. Charlie and I were passing through the hall.
"Who would have an idea to break into your room?"
"It wouldn't really count as a braking in, I forgot to lock it."
"Still doesn't explain who would do such a thing! When we're on the topic of things, why do you even have that thing!? A voodoo doll of yourself? When would that be a bright idea?"
"I know, okay? But it's not a typical voodoo doll. It was my first attempt at magic when I came to be down here. I used it to practice all sorts of things! It's not even a proper voodoo doll. Do you really think I'd make something that could destroy me?" Alastor said back mockingly.
"Well no, but it sure seemed like it when you said it like that earlier."
"Well I suppose it did. The thing is, I can feel things that are done on the dool. But the felling can't hurt me. I didn't use proper technique for it, thus I only feel normal tuches. The doll can't bleed." He said. Charlie nodded.
"So why's it so important then?"
"Because I use it still. And I would very much not appreciate someone touching me without my consent, thank you very much!"

(Back with your favourite porn star)

These two passed the door for good. A voodoo doll!? That's what this little this is? It kinda makes sense though. I looked back at it. Maybe I should return it... But that can wait for tomorrow. I snuggled closer to it and fell asleep.

In the morning I put it back into it's hiding spot. Making sure to pull the pillows a little apart this time. Just so he could breath properly. I went down for breakfast and he was there, still in the same outfit as yesterday. I smiled a little to myself. I'll be sure to give him some extra treatment before I returned the doll. I went to my room to take it once he said he'll be going out. I snuck back inro his room and just intended to put it back down on the bed. But Alastor had other plans. The door closed back behind me and the lights turned on.
"So you took it!" He said with his shadow behind him, laughing.
"We'll I, uh- ah."
"You really gave me a scare there." He sad grinning. He took a step towards me. I took a step back. Until I suddenly sat on the bed.
"Look Al, I really didn't mean it- curiousity took the best of me I swear-" I said bringing my hands up, settin the dool on my lap. He took my hands apart, exposing my face. He leaned in.
"You could settle for a real deal instead of doll here." He said smirking.
"Why didn't you say so before?" I said returning his grin.
"But don't think I won't use this again~" I said striking the doll's face with my other set of arms.
"I'd like to feel you try~" He said leaning in.
"Feel free to lean back and enjoy ♡

( So here's the link https://youtu.be/BFSRDvPHvrg
It doesn't have anything to do with the story, I just really liked it and taught you should have something nice after yesterday's chapter. Anyway all the credit for the video goes to the author check them out if you want^^)

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