Notice me senpai

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(So if you ever watched or played yandere simulator this is basically it.So Angel is jealous of girls who talk or even LOOK at his crush soooo he kills them.
How many will he kill until senpai finally notices him?And what would happen when he discovers his senpai's secret?)

Angel POV
I walked into the school and my eyes immediately focused on my senpai.His name is Alastor and he is the cutest and most handsome guy I've ever met.Sadly he is one of the most popular kids in our highschool witch means he has a lot of girls who like him and want to hangout with him ALL THE FUCKING TIME.And I've had enough I need to get rid of them.The only time I've seen him alone was at lunch,he always sat at the edge of the fountain reading a book.I really wanted to talk to him so when it was lunch time I started walking towards the place where he was.I arrived and sure enough there he was except...he wasn't alone.Next to him sat non other than the principals daughter herself.Charlie.She sat super close to him,for god's sake she was almost in his lap,but he seemed to not pay attention to her and just kept reading his book.I got so jealous I made a plan that was surely going to work.And sure did.One bitch less.But I still have to get senpai to notice me.There were so many bitches that I needed to get rid of I could have made a fucking list.So day by day I started getting rid of them.And I guess it was starting to get suspicious so I had to stop for a while.Police was at our school 24 hours and if I didn't want to end up in jail I had to be careful.Wait,what if...I can set someone up and send them to jail.So the next day I put some gloves,found a box along with a box cutter.Then I found a girl-bitch that I hated the most.It was non other than Alastor's friend Mimzy.She liked him there's no doubt it it and she would always get super touchy around him,always talking to him and whenever someone else tried to talk to him for god bless you more then 10 minutes she would distract him and yell at the person who tried to talk to him like she owned him!And the worst part about this was whenever Alastor would talk to her how he isn't her's she would ignore him and when he was out of the sight she would fly into rage,literally attacking the person.
It was time for my master plan.I found her, of course talking to senpai,and asked her to use the box cutter to open the box since my heads were full and I had no time to stop and open it.She fell for it and opened it.Perfect.I thanked her and went outside where I just dropped the box and took the box cutter.Then I found some random girl and killed her with it.When I finished I left the box cutter there.So basically since Mimzy touched the box cutter it had her fingerprints on it and since I wore gloves and I left it there if everything goes as planned they would think it was her.I got to class literally a minute before the bell ring.
The class was over and everyone started walking towards the exit.But before we could go anywhere we were interrupted by 4 policemen running through the door to our class towards Mimzy.The pinned her down and put handcuffs on her arms,forcefully removing her from the classroom.She was arrested and sentenced to 5 years in jail(I just made that up)for killing 8 girls.Wow,ether the police doesn't know what they're doing or I'm really good at getting rid of the bodies, because I killed way more than 8 girls.
Of course everyone was shocked,well except me and a couple other kids that didn't really give a shit.But when I looked over to Alastor my expression did turned into shocked one.I expected him to be shocked or upset but he looked... relieved?Heh,looks like he grew tired of her too.After my main problem was gone I was determent to talk to him.
So it was the next day and I collected all my courage, ready to finally talk to him after having a crush on him for 2 years,but before I had a chance to do anything... another murder happened.And this time I was actually scared because I didn't do anything.But then something incredible happen.Senpai went up to me,and we started to talking...AND HE ASKED ME,YES MEEEEE ON A DATE.Bruh I could have sworn my heart was gonna fucking explode.We were going on a date on Saturday and today was Wednesday,so I still had plenty of time before the date.To my surprise the next 2 days more and more girls AND boys were killed.It got so bad to the point where the police was clueless and had to close the school because according to them it wasn't safe....Sigh...So your telling me more than 20 people had to die for them to consider the place unsafe...Okay.

(Time skip)
It was time for our date and I was super nervous.We met up and got into his car.He drove us to one of the most beautiful places I've ever seen.It was at the edge of a cliff where you could see the whole city.And since it was nighttime it was extremely beautiful with all of the lights.We started talking,laughing and before we knew it it was like 2 a.m.
He offered to drive me home and of course I said sure.We arrived at my house and Alastor asked a question that made my heart stop.
,,So tell me my dear.Did you set Mimzy up and killed those 8 girls?"
I froze.I looked at him and swear his grin got even bigger.
,,N-No"I said.
Alastor left out a chuckle.
,,My,my you know it's not nice to lie my dear?"he said.
,,O-Okay y-you caught m-me."I said.
,,B-But I didn't do it to those couple of girls last 2 days."I said.I was super nervous because I thought he would be scared or even report me to the police.But he just grabbed my chin and kissed me,and of course I kissed back.When he pulled away he got close to me so he could whisper in my ear.
,,I know... because I did it."

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