Radiodust at Hogwarts (part 2)

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(Since the last one was year one, here they are in year two.)
(I started written Angels name as Anthony here, just to clear the confusion)

No one's POV.
Anthony was in his room, a blanket over him as he quietly casted spells for practice. His mother had been a powerful witch. His father had never approved of hers or his blood. He was deceived by her till the last day of her life. She fell to Death Eaters, leaving the poor man with his only son. Having to raise him with hatred for what he was, his fater always found ways to put him down. No matter how much he loved his late mother, he could never get over tha fact that she lied. During his eary life Anthony had no idea about his magical origin, until he stumbled upon his mothers old diary, kept away in the attic. He was now 12 years old, locked in his room, as his father forbid him to leave it ever since his last year at Hogwarts. Nonetheless, magic always finds it's way. A letter flew into his window. He could not open it due to a lock that was put on it. He took his wand and casted a spell. His father heard the commotion from down the stair and sprinted up. He was on time to see an opet window and his only son off to the train station. He cursed out loudly.

On the train station Anthony looked around. The crowd was large and he'd seen a lot of familiar faces. Families who have came to send off their children. And there he was, without luggage and alone.
"Having trouble remembering my old friend?" He heard right behind him. He turned quickly, meeting with a very familiar face.
"Alastor!" He said jumping for a hug.
"Why this summer has been dreadful without you there." Alastor said.
"Tell me about it, I was sulking all summer long. By the way, is your hair longer then before?" He asked studying him curiously. He'd never expect Alastors always on point hair to be so... Curly?
"You could say I haven't been tending to it lately. Now, shall we go?" He asked extending his hand.
"Sure thing Smiles." He said Alastor pulled him to sit on his luggage as he pushed them into the wall. Anthony laughed at the geture, holding onto it tightly. They passed through the wall to the other side, looking at the train who was about to leave. They shared a glace before Anthony jumped down and they both rushed in. They laughed when they finally sat down. Talking about their summer all ride long.

Once back at Hogwarts, they attended to their rooms, before joining their respective houses for the sorting event. Lots of first years joined. They felt a sort of pride that they were not the youngest anymore. Hufflepuff gained the most first years, which surprised the older years, since it had not happened in a while. Most of the time it was Slytherin, which explained why they were surrounded by so many assholes. Once the ceremony was over Anthony was about to go over to Alastor when he saw him with a short girl.
"I'm so delighted we ended up in the same house Alastor!" The girl said to him.
"I never doubted we will Mimzy dear." He replied back, looking slightly annoyed. Anthony stood a few meters away, so he was able to hear what they said. Soon they both turned around.
"Anthony dearest, this is my childhood friend Mimzy." Alastor introduced them. Anthony shook her hand reluctantly, she squeezed quite tight.
"Such a pleasure meeting a friend of Alastor's. I didn't belive he had any." She said nonchalantly, shaking her head. She was called over by some Slytherin boys and she bid Alastor and Anthony a quick goodbye.
"Do ya honestly like her?"
"Can't stand her."
"That's what I thought. Why are y'all friends anyway?"
"Our families have a strong friendship. I've been forced to interact with her ever since."
"Have you always been forced into relationships like that? Cuz that sucks."
"Not everyone is like her. I've made one of my closest friends through family connections. They come in handy sometimes." Alastor chuckled.
"We're much to young to give a shit about that aren't we?"
"And you're much too young to swear like that."
"Cut me some slack, you do it too!"

Mimzy ended up in the same potions class as Alastor and Anthony, and luckily for them she didn't cause too much havic while she was around. She'd occasionally take up Alastor's attention with stupid questions or mess up basic stuff so he'd help her. Nothing too bad. Nothing Anthony couldn't handle. Sure, he'd be annoyed that his best friend was a few tables over most of the time, but they had other classes together. Ones that didn't have annoying kids in them. One time after a rough potions class Alastor and Anthony went to sit down by a tree at the lake in the forest. Magical creatures surrounded their journey. Some they could and couldn't see. They threw rock down the lake, Alastor showed him a spell that tured the splashing of rocks into fireworks as it bounced through the lake. They spent the rest of their time there with Alastor teaching Anthony the spell. After another messed up attempt Anthony sighed.
"You're a natural at all this magic stuff. I'm getting tired of always having to work my ass of for this power." Anthony huffed and threw his hand on the ground.
"Talent or not we are all still wizards. Be it hard work or natural connection, we're all the same." Alastor said picking up his hand and it back to him. He took Anthony's hand and guided it up. Anthony chanted the levitation spell for the rock.
"And now you throw it from here." Alastor guided his hand back, to then throw it forward. Anthony chanted the spell and the rock magic wored. Except it was much stronger then before. Anthony looked amazed.
"Did you lead me this power."
"Absolutely not. You did it by yourself." Alastor said smiling brightly. Anthony erupted into cheers of joy.

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