A day in L.A

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(Where they spend a day causing chaos in the human world)

No one's POV:

It was a normal day in the so called Hazbin hotel, or as normal as a day in hell could get. Angel lounged on a push couch, flipping through channels on a Vox tv. While Alastor contentedly sipped tea in his armchair, writing down new information for the tonight's radio show. Alastor's pen clicked. Angel's fingers dropped the tv remote. And they both sighed in boredom. One quick glance from one another from across the room screamed let's do something. But what called for doing on such a boring day. Angel knew what.
"Hey Smiles? Ever been to the human world?" Angel said turning around to look at him.
"I know what you're getting from here!" Alastor said, setting aside his written notes.
"How do we exactly get to it though?" Angel said standing up alongside Alastor. He was met with a smirk.

It was quiet day at the I.M.P office. Blitz was getting ready to spy on the M&M's date later in that afternoon, while watching them from where they sat on the couch. Suddenly a red portal into the office opened. All whipped their heads to it, except for Loona who couldn't be bothered. Two figures slipped through the portal.
"Why hello there!" Alastor's voice rang through the office.
"Who the fuck is this short stack!?" Blitz exclaimed. M&M looked at him like he had three heads.
"You seriously don't know who that is Sir?" Moxie asked calmly.
"Don't worry honey, I didn't know who he was at first either!" Angel said with a laugh.
Alastor giggled alongside him.
"Who ever the fuck you are, my office is this way." Blitz said with a pointed finger.
"Oh no no. We're not looking for a kill order. I can assure you all of the people died ages ago." Alastor said coming closer to him.
"Then why are you here?" Blitz said confused.
"We need tho book."
Blitz erupted into a solid laugh.
"Listen, if Stolas sent you, he knows damn well he ain't getting it till that full moon." Blitz said.
"We're here by our own wish." Alastor said, using his powers to shake objects around him, radio static in his eyes. Even Loona's phone stopped working. Millie wordlessly took the book from Loona and gave it to Alastor.

The static stopped and Alastor took the book from her.
"Thank you, we'll give it back. Sometime." He said opening a portal to the human world. Angel blew kisses to them before leaving.
Blitz looked at Millie with disbelief.
"For being born here, you gotta learn a lot, Sir." Moxie said giving him a pat on the shoulder.

On the other side of the portal Angel and Alastor emerged in a alleyway of Los Angeles. Upon arriving they stopped as Alastor provided them with human disguises.

They stepped on the busy street and taught about going to diner first.
Upon sitting down they looked at the menu and Angel shoot Alastor a look. He showed him the menu and pointed at the steak. Alastor shared a giggle. When the waiter came over to take their order he asked Angel how done does he like his stake. Angel giggled and said he like it best raw, locking eyes with Alastor, who using his shadow manipulation summoned a live cow, who became panicked and ran around. The people at the diner screamed as they ran out, the cow running after them. While Angel and Alastor laughed the poor weiter snuck under the table. Upon seeing him there Angel made a loud coughing noise and took out his gun. The weiter ran away while the two demons made their way outside.

Walking down the street they were met with a big opening with a lot of traffic lights. Alastor looked at the drivers who awaited the lighting to turn the desired colour and smirked. With his radio powers he made the lights go crazy, changing like a disco ball. The drivers looked confused but it didn't take long for the nerves to kick in and for everyone to drive whenever they pleased. Angel watched as they caused chaos at the center of the road, glancing at Alastor who was having an absolute blast so far.

Going on a turn they found a big park. There were quite a bit of musicians along the way. One of them playing a song Angel knew. He swiftly pulled Alastor with him and stared to dance. Soon they had a crowd forming around them. As they breathlessly dance around one another the crowd started cheering. They ended the dance with Angel holding Alastor by the waist, looking at him from above while being the only reason he's not on the ground. Alastor's eyes locked onto his and they leaned in for a kiss. The crowd has a mixed reaction. They suddenly remember they the were in fact not in hell, alone, in Alastor's room, dancing like dorks. The walk past the crowd would've been too awkward, guns pulled were easier.

This time by their luck they actually had the cops called, so to get away, they hid in the calmest place they knew. A library. But knowing them it soon won't be. They chased themselves around the bookshelves and even jumped over some in order to find one another. But the real chaos ensued when Angel got a brilliant idea. The crouched down to whisper into Alastor's ear. Alastor nodded and took a random book from a shelf. The book started reading itself out loud upon Alastor using his powers on it. Angel ran around, finding various sex books for themselves to read out loud. The library was soon filled with mothers covering their children's ears and old men laughing awkwardly. They were soon chased out by mortified workers. Laughing at the stairs of the library they were kicked out of moments ago they looked up realising the night had fallen.

They looked at a lit up skyscraper in front of them. Upon making their way all the way to the top of the said building. They laid there gazing at the stars above.
"Wouldn't it be nice if we had this down back home." Angel asked, drawing patterns by connecting stars.
"It would've been nice if we hadn't died at all then. This day was so fun." Alastor added.
"Would've it been this fun without our powers though?" Angel chuckled.
"Eh, I believe we'd find a way." Alastor added. The stood up after what felt like hours and opened the portal back.

The I.M.P started freaking out after the 10th hour had passed and there was still no sight of the book.
"I swear to god I'll kill that mother fucker if he doesn't-" Blitz was cut of by the sudden weight that was dumped on top of him. Upon looking up he was four eyes looking back at him.
"Well about fucking time. I have clients in line you know-"
"Oh we know. And quite frankly, we don't give a shit." Angel said stepping over him and handing the book back to Millie.
"Thank you for this sweetie. We'll be borrowing it some time again." He said making his way back to Alastor's side.
"The hell you won't- And hey! Get off of me!" Blitz shouted wiggling himself from underneath Alastor.
"On a more important note." Alastor said looking down at Blitz.
"Yes?" He said titling his head.

"Tell Stolas I said hi."

And with that the two disappeared back to wherever they came from.
"I still don't know his damn name!" Blitz shouted to no one in particular. Having the whole office sigh.

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