We Were Right

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Nathan and I made our way out of the cell and down to where Vargas was, I was about to jump onto the tin roof that hovered above Vargas, however, Nathan pulled me back and made me face him just before I leapt, and my leg hovering over the gap between the buildings which caused me to stumble whilst facing him.

"What the matter now?" I started as a sharp bitter winds swept past from the vast open sea. "Vargas, we need a plan." Nathan raised calmly whilst still holding my arm. We did need to deal with the slimeball himself, I clenched my teeth and inhaled, that was a problem and a half.

"Well the building is hundreds of years old so we could tell him that there was nothing and that it could have been in another tower that collapsed centuries ago?" I started spit balling that idea which isn't technically lying just raising an alternate truth. Nathan let go of my arm and contemplated it, giving a shrewd nod, gears turning in his head as I jumped onto the tin roof without a second thought and a loud clunk. Nathan followed suit and it looked like he almost fell through the rusted metal. The curve of the corrugated iron made it difficult to balance, the edges were sharper than expected so if one of us were to slip not only would the metal slice skin, the fall would crush bones. From this height, we could see the main prison its paled stone masonry still standing proud on the land its height casting a vast shadow over where me and Nate stood. This prison though still standing strong it stood precariously on the edge of eroded rock, falling over decades of waves thrashing into it.

We walk along another tin roof, my legs and arms shaking and aching from the climbing we endured to get to and from where Vargas stood. I and Nate find the gap to jump down directly which was direct to where Vargas was. I took the jump first, my legs taking most of the blow as I crouched forwards, using my hands to balance, flicking my head up while slowly standing up I sauntered forward. I was promptly followed by Nathan who did the same thing just instead of it being a simple drop I heard a loud slap, then a hiss not long after. Nathan moved behind me as I stood there and looked at Vargas, whose puffed eyes gleamed as Nate stood next to us. Me and Nathan shared a look, flicking our line of sight between each other and Vargas that made our faces drain with disappointment. I threw my hands up in the air as Vargas and we started to walk towards each other.

"So?" his shrill voice went straight through me as he spoke, his intent clearer than his morals. "If there was something we missed it" I sighed giving him my best-pouted frown. His eyes narrowed towards me as I said that raising my shoulders in defeat. Nathan, quickly chipped in before Vargas said anything or did something irrational."Or...Or it could have been in another tower that collapsed centuries ago, maybe you can pull up the blueprints to this place and have a look and see if there was another tower?" His quick thinking pacified the brute enough for a smirk to form on the corners of his mouth. I mentally high-fived him for maintaining composure and manipulating my idea to the best of his abilities. "Yes, there should be some in my office." nodding in complete compliance to the fabricated idea. Promptly after he told us to spin around Placing the cold iron cuffs on us again, my hands haven't had enough trauma today. Sighing we were escorted through the tunnels again and to the courtyard. I and Nathan were uncuffed as Vargas shoved both of us through the archway. Stumbling from the sheer force applied to me, Nathan put his arm out to stop my face from planting the floor. I smiled in gratitude. whilst I maintained my composure this time.

"If I catch you two fighting again it will be 1 week in the hole!" Vargas shouted whilst pointing at us, I raised my hands at him and turned my back away from him taking a few paces forward. I looked behind to see him scurry off like a rat, back into the tunnels. Holding up my hand he high-fived it, causing a sharp needle-like pain to spread through my affected hand. "We better find Sam, ASAP," I suggested whilst wincing in pain as I shook my hand after contact.

"Agreed." Ambling, through the courtyard we find a small crowd gathered around three people, one I recognise straight away as being sam. His hunched-over figure and his slicked-back greasy brown hair, when the sun caught it just right the auburn tint shimmered through. I smile and Nathan nudges me."Oi, what was that for?" I say rubbing my left arm, "Oh nothing nothing, I'm guessing you have found sam..." He muses, I slap him and slowly walk to the circle to see they are hustling for piles of cigarettes. Not surprising. As Sam places some down, he lifts his cup and the convicts all sigh and groans.

"Que Puedo decir Suerte de principinte Verdad" Sam's Portuguese accent and fluent pronunciation make my skin shiver that smirk could make anyone melt. I was impressed with how well he can speak it. He looks up and our eyes meet, he smiles and stands up, taking a cigarette and leaving the rest to them. "Parta ti" He hops over to me and Nathan, a cigarette pursed between his lips then, with a single motion, a crack was heard and he was inhaling that toxic smoke again. A smirk plastered on his face as me and and Nathan stand there, his eyes flickering between us both."Jesus, they did do a number on you two. You all right?" Sam's eyes stay on me, running over me as I stood there dirtied and covered in cuts and bruises, his eyes grew narrower the longer he looked and as he reached the one on my face. I cover the bruise instinctively and chuckle."I got off light in comparison to some." Signalling to Nathan and his battered face, Sam sighed as he joined the circle we had formed. Sam reaches over to me and ruffles my hair, bringing me into a hug. The hug was warm, it had a level of protectiveness about it, feeling his hand massage my scalp I quickly melt into it The smell of ash, smoke, and a heavier cologne filled my lungs as I breathed in.

"You smell like shit." Sam retorted "Thanks, Sam thanks, not like your much better tho" A scoff was heard as I pulled away from the hug, sam gave an offended look as I turned to Nathan who had his arms crossed over his chest. I laughed and stepped back from sam, he gave a pout. Putting my arm around Nate we looked at each other knowingly."so you gonna leave me in suspense or what" Sam's voice perked, those brown eyes glinting under the intense sun. I turned my back to him and walked forward, with Nate still under my arm."I might just do that..." Nathan gave a sly smile as I said that to Sam. "but I'm not that cruel, what can I say you were right"Sam jumped towards me and Nathan, I let Nate go and turned my head slightly as I spoke. I could feel Sam beaming from behind, now wrapping one arm over me and Nate whilst he shook his head."no no, we... We were right aha! We just gotta find Rafe..." Sam chimed much to the clear displeasure of Nate."ah, Rafe" Sarcasm dripped from Nathan's words as his eyes rolled back. He put his hands to his face and pressed lightly on a bruise and hissed. Sam's shoulders dropped.

"let's not start this now... If it wasn't for him we wouldn't have gotten in here!" Sam was right though. Rafe pulled a few strings to get us in here and safely at that."Honestly I don't know the guy but he kinda did pay for Vargas and no Vargas means no leads..." Nate glared at me in disbelief, shock burning from his eyes and a small solemn smile forming on my face."we-we did have leads! We didn't need this guy to rock up towards the end." Nate pulled away from me and Sam, sulking like a small child. He was throwing his hands around like he was in a gesture fight."like (y/n) said, no Rafe, no Vargas, no leads..."His head snapped towards us, his eyebrows furrowing, Nathan's gaze flickered between me and sam till he sighed and held his hands up."Well speaking of Vargas we do have a teeny tiny problem"

I nodded in agreement with Nathan. We got back into a circle, sams arm now dropped after Nate's outburst, there was a low level of bickering coming from the brothers. The courtyard had become thinner with people and their groups each moving to their location in the yard. The sounds of people grew quieter, however, something was moving closer to us, and footsteps became audible enough to put me on edge. I tried to signal for one of the brothers but they were too caught up in their debate. The footsteps stopped near me, I froze as my eyes glided over to where I could see part of a shadow.

"what do you mean a problem?"

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