Its Not That Funny Is It

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"steady on love, jeez you haven't changed" He stood there, face slightly hidded by the darkness as he corrected his posture yet again. Stunned into silence, my body heated up. He took a step forward making himself totally viewable. My mouth dropped as i raised my eyebrows, it was him. "What the fuck... Nah Nope yaboi died 15 years ago. this is bullshit." i voiced my thoughts my words falling over eachother and my hands moved pointing around and at him as turned my back on him the denial hitting me again. They grabbed my wrist, holding it in their warm clutches, that unfamilualr feeling filled me as i turned my head to face them. The thicker dark umber hair slicked back and messied, his face now sculpted even more than i remember. the memories, they flood back of the last day i saw him. "Love its me, honestly." he pulled me close to him and i shook my head tears threatning to fall just as we made eye contact. they were not like the last time i remember them, hollowed and glazed, they were sparked and full of life. 

"You son of a bitch." i choked on my words as we pulled into a hug, the beating of his heart a comfort i have long forgotten through the years. The potent smell of cigerette smoke and whiskey soothed my mental rambled, washing away the denial but adding more pain to my chest as i breathed. Tears quickly fell, soaking into his t-shirt and the warmth from his body as i clung on for dear life made me feel for the first time in a while. "Hey woah, okay im here now lets get you home yeah and we can catch up there yeah? Come on." He patted my back as his arms secured me moving his hands up to my shoulders and gently pulling me away. Sniffling like a small child i nodded, wiping my eyes as i shook my body taking a deep breath. we walked back almost in silence, the darkness grew thicker and dencer the closer i got to my house. i got to the Pale door and inserted the key hearing it click open granting me and my friend acess.

 We enterd and i tossed my keys in a bowl by the door hearing the metal and ceramic clank together. flickimg on the lightthe buzz as the yellow light filled the narrow hallway coat hooks to the right and the drawers on the left with the starcase behind the coat hangers leading up stairs. He took off his coat and hung it up whilst i stood there, still. brain still trying to process the person that stood behind me. A light tap shook me from my mind i spun around greated by that strange familualr face, he smiled and offered to take my coat off of me. His words were a mumbled mess when they reached my ears. smiling i took off my coat and handed it to him. We got to the front room and sat down, two couches were facing eachother with a coffee table parting them. sitting down opposite one another he got comfy on the leahter seats and lent back arm resting on the back as he smirked. That bloody smirk.

"So how has my little gremlin been aye," he spoke like nothing has happened, like hes been on holiday and we've kept in touch. "im survivng how are you..." my face was dead pan, staring into him as he was an anomaly. I fidigted on the leather and rested my arm on the side of the sofa, watching his every move. He sighed and waved his hand about whilst he spoke " ive been better but glad ive come back and talking to you" he crossed his legs over one another tilting his head from side to side, he was a good charmer yet something was amiss. My brain couldnt fathom what was going on he sat there like i havent though he died. "You talk like you have just been away a few days sam, its been 15 years... I GRIEVED SAM I STILL AM!" i bluted out, throwing myself off the sofa and pacing to the kitchen. I stormed passed sam and his noncholant antics his face changing from calm to sheer panic as his eyes widened and the creases in his forehead became more defined. 

"(y/n) wait! Come back please" his voice hollared through the halls. i blanked him and went into the kitchen, it wasnt open plan like the Drakes but it was a pratical kitchen with an island bar in the middle. I pratically threw myself at the alcohol cabnate hearing the hurried footsteps trail behind me. Ignoring them i opened the wooden door i saw the glistening glasses filled with various alcoholic substances. Reaching to the back i found the whiskey that Sam gave me the week before we left for the trip to Panuma prison. it was aged and only drank on the aniversaries of him or realy rough days. The long bottle with the engarved metal plaque weled onto the crystal. It was a personalised bottle and its content was a home brewed whiskey that sam brought back for me. it read 'To my (Y/n), You might need this more than me Love Sam' i scoffed as i poured some out into one of the glasses i kept in the same cabinate a short whiskey glass, dimond in nature and pattered, tempered with pattterns and ridges that match the bottle. leaving it neat i put the bottle back. 

"Love look im sorry, i know it must have been hard for you...""HARD HA" i cut in taking a swig from my glass propping my self up on the counter as he stood ehind the island bar. "Come on let me explain" his shoulders dropped and his eyes softened as i had mine narrowed to a scowl. "Sure id ove to hear this" Crossign my arms leaving the one with the glas in it close to my mout he lent on the island head dropping and eyes fixed on the floor. His arms bulged as he pushed hiself up to look at me. 

"You see i wanted to contact you i rally did but that would have put you in more danger than i wanted you to be in!" his eyes dropped avoiding me as his voice became raised as i stared into him. "Danger! what danger could you have prevented! you could have sent one letter one measly piece of paper tellim you were okay!" i choaked on my words placing the glass down and pacing behind the island. Sam scoffed and stood back up olding his hands to the bacl of his head rubbing them against his head. I shook mine and gave a tight lipped smile, "this is not how i thought our reunion would have gone..." i muttered as i took the glass back in my hand turning my back to Sam. 

"(Y/n) Love, im sorry okay i dont like being like this with you. Sit down and i will tell you all about it yeah..." He pleaded with a sultry tone that almost made me choke on my drink as i took a swig of it. luckly i had by back to him at this point. Sam came up behind me, pressing his body against my back with his hands around my waist and chin in the crook of my neck. Letting my head drop i caved, sams voice and movements just i couldnt stay annoyed for long. 

"Urg fine, im sorry for shouting... maybe i did over react" I turned to face him swivilng my body around so his hands were on my back rather than my stomach. he moved his head and we locked eyes. Our bodies so close we could feel echothers heart rate, his beating faster as we remained inches from eachothers faces. Silence, thats all there was along with the beating of out hearts. I held his arms, tracing the defined muscles that ran along them. He shivered, and pulled away alowing me to the frontroom opening his arms like he way guiding me to my own home. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 09, 2022 ⏰

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