This Infernal Place II

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I and Nathan followed Vargas to solitary, as we made our way there we walked through a tunnel, its concrete stained with various substances. Most I presume are blood. I turn to face another direction just to get shouted at by the guard and shoved to keep walking.

"Alright alright don't get your knickers in a twisted love." i retorted and Nathan, who is covered in dirt and blood, lets out a laugh as he hears me in the background. I get a club to the back of the head making me feel queasy, I tried to rub it but a guard had me by the arms. I smacked my lips and continued walking. The glaring yellow lights with the smell of blood, sweat and musk of tears gave me an unsettling feeling. The walls were rotting as the paint flaked off exposing the grey walls. To the paint that was not flaking it was stained with water and other fluids, I shuddered in disgust. Vargas stopped us in front of two solitary cells, the rusted metal doors guarded by men whose faces are deadpan and expressionless.

"Are they just for decoration?"I snickered at that remark and I heard Vargas cuss under his breath. he waddled forwards infront of us, waving his batton around.

"All right chuckleheads, you in that one and you in the other one." The guards opened both the doors and me and Nathan were shoved into, I brushed myself off and did a bow. I heard Nathan make another remark about a toilet before the door was slammed shut and I was surrounded by darkness.

I felt nauseous, my head spinning out as I stood in the centre of the room. The dark was thick and almost void-like. Feeling my hands go clammy I sat down, shuffling to the corner of the room.

"Breath in... And out" I remembered what Sam taught me when I had a panic that night I crashed around his. Breathe in deeply and pretend you blowing bubbles. My breath began to shake as I breathed out. The cold breeze against my hands was a subtle comfort to me, I pulled my knees up to my face resting my forehead on my knees my muscles began to relax a little more. My eyes grew heavy but my mind was a flutter of thoughts.

"In and out"I let my head fall back against the wall, my heart thumping against my chest I tried to ignore it and get some sleep. I began to count slowly.

"1 Mississippi 2 Mississippi 3 Mississippi 4, 5 Mississippi 6....."Slowly my breath calmed itself down and my eyelids closed. I tried also tried to ignore the fousty smell that made my stomach turn. Eventually, my mind began to rest and my body relaxed.


A bright light made me turn in my sleep, I can never get a good cat nap can I? I opened my eyes quickly to see Vargas and Nathan standing in the doorway, their shadows looming over me as I stayed huddled in the corner. Nathan gave a hip wave and a big toothy grin. I waved and gave a similar smile back to him.

"Morning sunshine!" Nathan chimes as the guards start to let them selves in, Vargas rolled his eyes clearly done with out shit. 

"I can't ever get a good nap with you around can I?" i sigh. One guard came in and thrust me up onto my feet after I and Nathan share a few words. Vargas and the other guards escort us from solitary, our hands of course cuffed as I and Nathan walk side by side.

"Hey is there any chance I can have a shower?"


"I'll take that as a no then.."

Nate gave a smile as if to say 'That's what I was thinking, laughing however there was a guard behind us and Vargas in front, we are led through halls decorated with benches and bars over every window. We reached a checkpoint area, guards littered everywhere some were sitting at the actual checkpoint, I and Nathan waved giving our charming smiles.

"Good morning boys, or is it evening... I can't tell" Earning a laugh from a few other convicts but a growl from some guards including the one behind us. I cautiously nudged Nate to tell him to be careful. He nudged me back and he looked at me with a slight cockyness in his eye. I groaned as we made our way up the stairs, Vargas still ahead, I stopped to look over the handrails of the stairs. The guard that was behind us shoved me forward. Nate flicked his head over to me.

"Woah no need for that buddy is there sheesh." I narrowed my eyes to the guard and walked forward, catching up to Nathan and Vargas as we made our way to some location. Walking we made our way through the prison block to the courtyard. The sun still blinding and sweltering, the cuffs soon became increasingly more uncomfortable as we walked past the inmates my wrists swivelled in the metal wanting to get out of them. Shouting was heard from a crowd that had gathered around the blue railing, spit flew past us as we walked. I flipped them off as I walked past them aggravating them even more. I smirked as I walked into a tunnel, the cool shade offering me some comfort as my head heated like a boiled egg.

The tunnel was dim, its walls cracked and stained like the prison walls with a multitude of various liquids. Sharing glances with Nathan as there were low cries and a thudding. The more we walked the louder it became till we saw a man hunched over a bench and a guard beating the shit out of him. Blood splattered all over the bench as his back was oozing. I winced and looked away hoping not to make eye contact with either one of the people. Nathan nudged me and gave me a comforting look. I rolled my eyes and smiled.

We came to a split path where there was a large door and a path that led away. I gandered at the scene to see that the other guard had gone it was just Vargas.

"This is a funky wardens office ain't it?" Nathan being the smart ass he is walked away from the door till Vargas scoffed and opened the door.

"This way idota. Go down then left" I went first down the stairs and saw the corridor go in a T shape so I turned 'left'. That's when Nathan followed my lead.

"Other left..." I and Nathan shared a mental high-five as we turned around to the right left, this was not the warden's office. Water flowed in a narrow stream underneath our feet the smell of fousty water made my nose scrunch. I could see Nathan's lip turn up as we got farther into the tunnel. The walls glistened with moisture and light from the sun glinted off the water. 

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