Fight, Fight, Fight

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The steps got closer, everyone broke the tension by looking around to find where the sounds were coming from. Nathan put the cross back in his trousers, and we broke into pairs, sam and rafe glared at one another as they both walked towards me. 

I walked away and went with nathan. Leaving the sam and rafe alone which didnt seem like a good idea but there we go. I see the two stomp off together, i can hear them bicker as they look around. Me and nathan share a glance and he just shrugs his shoulders, we cautiosly step forward and look beyond one of the pillars.

Thats when we see the little guy me and nathan fought. His dirtied tank top stained with the blood, sweat and dirt from his local adventures. He made an open gesture and took a step towards me holding his hands out. A dry laugh escaped me as me and nathan took steps back to the centre of the room. 

"Haha guys...Sammmm"

I tuned my head to the side as I hollered for Sam, keeping my eyes on the advancing. I heard nathan chuckle and stumble.

"Woah hello there."

Two steps of hurried footsteps merged with the few dozen that followed the inmate. Me and nathan backed up till i saw sam and rafe next to us.

"So this is the guy you chose to pick a fight with?"

"I- We did not know he had so many... friends."

I sighed and gandered around the situation. You had the main guy, bruises littered his face and arms mixing with his tattoos. Then there were his back up guys, they were surrounding us, closing in like hyenas. I let out another nervous chuckle as the main guy spoke.

"Te dije que no habiamos terminado."

"Mira, ya nos ganaste. Okay?"

Letting my face drop as my eyes jumped between the inmate and Nathan. I was impressed that he could speak so fluently, but it would have been nice to know what the fuck was said cause he sounded angry and he eyes me up and down. He took steps towards me in a threatening manor, raising his voice towards the end of the sentence.

"Muy tarde para hablar, de aqui no sales!"

He was in my face, his eyes glazed with pure anger and bitterness towards me. There was a blurred figure in the side of my vision, sam and nathan were either side and i saw sam start fidgeting.

"Hey you know what?"

The man pointed his finger at sam after pushing him away as sam became clearer in my vision since he moved almost in front of me.

"Tu no te metas—"


Sams voice breathy and sarcastic as he moved to the side. I scoffed as i looked at the inmate wondering if i could some how pacify him enough for us to slip out unscathed and no attention drawn. But sam had other ideas as again that familiar sound of contact broke the tension. Sam put his hand on the man and swung his other towards his face in a downwards motion, almost knocking him on his ass. I watched on in shock cause i didnt expect him to do that yet. I couldnt complain cause i though about cloping him one but i didnt think that was smart since we were vastly out numbered. 

Being shaken out of my thoughts i felt a pain in my side, i coughed out that sting filling my body, i saw a random prisoner laughing as i held my side as it pulsated. Cracking my neck and shifting my hips i got into the fighting stance, the pain being a familiar friend, a smirk found its way onto my face as i took a swing. The air flowing past my fist that twanged in pain as his head twisted to the left and his body stumbled that way. 

Holding the side of his head he growled at me. I took towards him only to be yanked backwards, I rocked back into the stranger  hitting my head against their chest. My head throbbed slightly but managable. Their grip was like a vice, squirming i tried to break loose before the other man could get to me. The other man, he tilted his head either side, cracking his knuckles as i was held. He got close, too close, so i jumped up using the man holding me as a counter balance and flailed my legs up to him, he took a few steps back as i saw blood start to run down his face. My breathing became strained burning my throat. Taking the opportunity before my ribs broke I jammed my arm free and started bashing my elbow into him. I heard a groan as i heard it crack, the grip loosened. Dropping to the floor my legs gave out, they closed in on me i grabbed their legs and pulled forward with all my strength. 

My arms stung as i saw them fall hitting their heads on the concrete floor. I scrambled up onto my feet to see the rest of the group. Sam was fighting one and so was Nathan. Thats when rafe had two on him, deciding to let rafe get hit a few times for my pleasure i made my way to rafe. His hair now messy and jaw clenched as he got hit in the stomach, he hissed in pain as he clutched his abdomen, i smirked and went over to him. We made eye contact and i winked at him as i gave a right hook to the back of the culprits head. They collapsed to the floor like a sack of potatoes. My knuckles battered and now sore from that punch i saw a crimson liquid drip down my purpled skin. 

Rafe stood up and alost got clopped by another man, but we nodded to one another, not sharing a word we got either side of him and i grabbed him under his arm, rafe doing the sam lifting the man up and throwing him down to the floor. A thud was heard as he hit the metal railing.

"Huh not back for a rich boy."

"Not bad yourself dearest."

He gave me a smirk ad walked away. I felt a heat rush to my cheeks as he walked away, shaking my head i saw sam and nate brawling with other people. I needed a moment to catch my breath, my chest ached with every inhale and my arms were heavy. I felt my stomach knot as i looked at the main man, he had a knife. I caught a glimpse of the metal lifting my head up as he held it out towards nathan, that same feeling flooded my system and i hurried over there. 

Rafe was skulking around dealing with some stragglers and so was sam, i got to nathan as the knife was waved about coming close to nathans face. I snuck up behind him, his attention was on nathan. Using that advantage i got behind him and wrapped my arms around his neck, tensing my muscles, they began to sting and he dropped the blade and he fell back into me. I locked eyes with him, desperation filled them as he hit my arms. I tightened my grip further the sound of choking was all i could hear, his staggered breathing slowly fading to a halt. His body went limp and his arms dropped, i threw him down onto floor. There were mumbles among the group.

I spun around to look at the group but i was cut short by a glimpse of something black come into contact with my face, my nose shifted and my vision blurred at the bottom. Stumbling into the machine, I held my face closing my eyes tight, feeling my nose run rapidly. I grunted and opened my eyes meeting them with the sight of a slighty blurred Vargas.

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